tim-janik / anklang

MIDI and Audio Synthesizer and Composer
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Roadmap Discussions: Feedback & Ideas #52

Open tim-janik opened 4 months ago

tim-janik commented 4 months ago

This issue is a space for feedback and suggestions on the roadmap for the Anklang DAW project.

We welcome your thoughts on what features and improvements you would like to see in upcoming versions of Anklang.

Feel free to review the current roadmap and provide your input on what you would like to see changed or suggest new features that are not currently listed.

Reaper10 commented 3 months ago
  1. native window/ mac support or app

  2. clip launcher live ableton-live-10-sessionview-1-770x425 bitwig Bitwig_ArrangePanel Ardor ardour-7-cue-clip-launcher digital performer DP_1220_01-6MEFKKGBg2HA6wH8dh2kpYWJ94jj4RX3

  3. A way to Combined plugins into one like Combinator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4VdwslQPGc&t=684s

  4. DSSI and LADSPA plugin support

tim-janik commented 3 months ago
  1. native window/ mac support or app

This would require someone to volunteer to actually work on a port. Considering signing requirements on modern proprietary OSes, this even has financial and liability impacts on developers. So ports will not make the roadmap until someone shows up who actively wants to work on that.

2. clip launcher

We have clips in a clip launcher already. When you run a recent Anklang, what actual features are you missing?

3. A way to Combined plugins into one like [Combinator](https://www.reasonstudios.com/en/reason/utilities/combinator)

Have you looked at CLAP#101? Is that what you are looking for?

4. [DSSI](https://dssi.sourceforge.net/) and [LADSPA](https://www.ladspa.org/) plugin support

There is LV2 support in the works (#32), is there anything in particular you can point at, the DSSI/LADSPA would enable, that is not yet covered by an LV2 plugin (or CLAP for that matter)?

Reaper10 commented 3 months ago
  1. native window/ mac support or app

This would require someone to volunteer to actually work on a port. Considering signing requirements on modern proprietary OSes, this even has financial and liability impacts on developers. So ports will not make the roadmap until someone shows up who actively wants to work on that.

2. clip launcher

We have clips in a clip launcher already. When you run a recent Anklang, what actual features are you missing?

3. A way to Combined plugins into one like [Combinator](https://www.reasonstudios.com/en/reason/utilities/combinator)

Have you looked at CLAP#101? Is that what you are looking for?

4. [DSSI](https://dssi.sourceforge.net/) and [LADSPA](https://www.ladspa.org/) plugin support

There is LV2 support in the works (#32), is there anything in particular you can point at, the DSSI/LADSPA would enable, that is not yet covered by an LV2 plugin (or CLAP for that matter)?

lofo grain are two ladspa that come to mind Screenshot_21-3-2024_12375_www ladspa org

Screenshot_21-3-2024_12375_www ladspa org

fm synth/library compatible dx synth and korg op 6 and op6 mk2 you could stary here

grain sampler spectral synth like Izotope Iris you could start here

swesterfeld commented 3 months ago

Ideally @Reaper10 you would run Anklang, so that you could provide more fine grained feedback. As an example, for the clip launcher just saying "we need a clip launcher" is not a good small next step. We already have the basic UI for clips. Personally I would like to see - as some of the next steps:

The Windows/macOS port is currently not too high on my personal priority list for Anklang, simply because I'd like to get more basic functionality implemented first. I've some experience in porting from SpectMorph/liquidsfz, so maybe I can work on a port later on. But if you want to run Anklang now, I'd recommend a virtual machine with Linux.

Finally as for LADSPA/DSSI I think if we want to make it into a next step, I'd recommend to make this

The nice thing here is that Carla supports all these plugin formats, so we would only have to implement it once and get all of these. I think VST2/3 may even be more important than LADSPA/DSSI, simply because many proprietary DAWs use this.

Reaper10 commented 3 months ago

Ideally @Reaper10 you would run Anklang, so that you could provide more fine grained feedback. As an example, for the clip launcher just saying "we need a clip launcher" is not a good small next step. We already have the basic UI for clips. Personally I would like to see - as some of the next steps:

  • ability to launch clips by mouse click
  • ability to stop clips by mouse click
  • ability to change duration of a clip (for instance be able to make 1-bar clips or 4-bar clips, currently all clips are 2-bar clips)

The Windows/macOS port is currently not too high on my personal priority list for Anklang, simply because I'd like to get more basic functionality implemented first. I've some experience in porting from SpectMorph/liquidsfz, so maybe I can work on a port later on. But if you want to run Anklang now, I'd recommend a virtual machine with Linux.

Finally as for LADSPA/DSSI I think if we want to make it into a next step, I'd recommend to make this

  • support more plugin formats (VST2, VST3, LADSPA, DSSI) via Carla

The nice thing here is that Carla supports all these plugin formats, so we would only have to implement it once and get all of these. I think VST2/3 may even be more important than LADSPA/DSSI, simply because many proprietary DAWs use this.

i look though all info i could find i think you could use CTLRA as the base for midi controller support.

tim-janik commented 3 months ago

i look though all info i could find i think you could use CTLRA as the base for midi controller support.

We already have MIDI controller support via the ALSA MIDI driver API. Take a look at the Preferences to select your MIDI device of interest.

Note, running Anklang is a hard requirement for making useful contributions and discussion comments here.

Come back when you are equipped to discuss the current ways Anklang operates, or when we can give you a hand getting Anklang to run on Linux.