tim-janik / beast

Beast - Music Synthesizer and Composer
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Support wave-form plotting for BlepSynth #144

Open swesterfeld opened 3 years ago

swesterfeld commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if the oscillator wave form (which depends on the oscillator parameters) could be displayed at the UI. I've ported the necessary plotting code from Python (plotblep.py) to C++.

The actual waveform is sampled, so one parameter to tune might be how many samples to use. Or the overlap (copy_samples). Finally we currently don't have the infrastructure to display this, so when enabled, the wave forms of both oscillators are written to "/tmp/plot1" and "/tmp/plot2", just to be able to test it.

swesterfeld commented 3 years ago

Just one more comment on this code: I saw that if you use a very small pulse_width and make sync really high then not all pulses will be visible. A higher number of samples would help, but I think we may want to make the minimum pulse width depend on the sync factor (to plot a wider pulse in order to be able to display it properly). But such fine tuning would be easier if the wave form would be displayed.

Btw, an alternative to sampling the wave form would be a line-segment representation.