tim03we / AdvancedJoin

AdvancedJoin Plugin für PMMP/Altay. Minecraft BE - 1.12.X+
MIT License
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Is {prefix} supported? #4

Open Rezzsin opened 5 years ago

Rezzsin commented 5 years ago

Just curious to know if its supported so when only a staff member joins itll say it (Mod, Admin and Owner) but no Guest

tim03we commented 5 years ago

For which Group Plugin?

Rezzsin commented 5 years ago

Im using PurePerms

tim03we commented 5 years ago

Let's see what we can do. :D Leave me a little time.

Rezzsin commented 5 years ago

Awesome and no problem, no rush but thanks

Rezzsin commented 5 years ago

Whatever happened? Any luck?

tim03we commented 5 years ago

Sorry, but I will pause programming the PocketMine-MP (Bedrock Edition) plugins. That means there won't be any updates for the Bedrock plugins for now. I'm sorry, but I've come to the conclusion that the PocketMine-MP, Nukkit, as well as other software, in a newer version contain more and more bugs. In the future I will only bring Spigot plugins and things in other languages like a Discord Bot in Java or similar.

tim03we commented 5 years ago

Maybe I'll bring out another update for this one, but after that I'll do something else.

tim03we commented 5 years ago

But right now, my network takes priority.