timabell / ef-enum-to-lookup

Generates lookup tables from enum references in Microsoft Entity Framework 6.1
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Custom schema #1 #38

Open sveinhelge opened 9 years ago

sveinhelge commented 9 years ago

Support for custom schema. Uses schema from context.

Example: public class MyCustomSchemaDbContext : DbContext { public DbSet Foos { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


Will create Enum tables under schema myschema.

timabell commented 9 years ago

Thanks, will look over this as soon as I get a chance

timabell commented 9 years ago

I think it makes sense to get the description PR done before getting into this one.

dirq commented 8 years ago

I'd love to set a custom schema. Any status on this pull?

timabell commented 8 years ago

busy year... I haven't had a chance and I'm not sure when I'll get the time. I'd be interested to know if you manage to build and run the fork and if it works for you. I will come back to this but can't promise when. I'm a contractor so my time comes and goes somewhat randomly. I do intend to come back and make further improvements and this is still one I'd like to do.

I'm not sure how the impending EF7 will affect this project and haven't had time to look into that yet.

Still want to do PR #33 first.

eoincgreenfinch commented 7 years ago

hey @timabell great little tool. Just wondering if you're planning to merge this PR in, or would I be better of just forking it and building it myself. Cheers.

hey @sveinhelge don't suppose you've already published this elsewhere ?

timabell commented 7 years ago

@eoincgreenfinch I certainly would like to get this enhancement tidied up tested and merged, I'd need to find some time to set up my dev environment and work on it for a bit.

On the off-chance are you using it for a commercial project? Would you be interested in funding some development time to get it in? I'm starting to think about offering to work on open source projects for money where they are useful as I'd like to do more on them, and that would allow me to justify spending my time on it. (I'm a contract dev so I have to balance this stuff with paid work and home-life).

timabell commented 7 years ago

Maybe crowd-funding would work if several people/organisations would like to see this implemented? Thoughts?

timabell commented 7 years ago

Another PR for this: #57 See also issue #58