utf-16 support for scm files - byte order marker (BOM) causes problems running scripts & stored procs
If you have a script with no special characters you can work around this limitation by changing the encoding of your file to ansi codepage 1252. (Use notepad++, advanced save options in visual studio, or the tiny dropdown next to save in the ssms save as dialog)
The symptoms are scripts failing with sql errors of "incorrect syntax near X" where X is an odd character.
utf-16 support for scm files - byte order marker (BOM) causes problems running scripts & stored procs
If you have a script with no special characters you can work around this limitation by changing the encoding of your file to ansi codepage 1252. (Use notepad++, advanced save options in visual studio, or the tiny dropdown next to save in the ssms save as dialog)
The symptoms are scripts failing with sql errors of "incorrect syntax near X" where X is an odd character.
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