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Calendar View #113

Open tylerecouture opened 6 years ago

tylerecouture commented 6 years ago

Week ahead and week behind? Each column is a list of the events, broken in to sections based on category?

I would like a staff calendar that showed in a quick snap shot when staff are on prep, having student activities, and collaborating....I haven’t taken a prep this term because I do not know if there are enough spaces for students to do activities....

tylerecouture commented 6 years ago

I’d like to see a calendar feature where I can see events for the month, and view past months of events. Not go back into each day individually.

Yeah, I imagine it looking sort of like the assessment week calendar with multiple events. New events being at the top for each date and the all year long things being at the bottom. That way we can easily identify new things each week, etc. We can begin looking at the number in each grade attending certain things, like the commons, or support and will be able to use that data to look at guiding them into other opportunities or providing spaces for different groups of people.