timbitz / Whippet.jl

Lightweight and Fast; RNA-seq quantification at the event-level
MIT License
103 stars 21 forks source link

regex ismatch deprecated for occursin #112

Closed timbitz closed 3 years ago

timbitz commented 3 years ago

Building full sg-index from 54522 genes... 51.720984 seconds (611.98 k allocations: 869.584 MiB, 0.13% gc time) Building edges.. ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: ismatch not defined Stacktrace: [1] add_kmer_edge!(::Array{Array{SGNode,1},1}, ::BioSequences.LongSequence{BioSequences.DNAAlphabet{4}}, ::UInt32, ::Int64, ::Bool, ::SGNode) at /gstore/project/do_oncology_bioinf/Whippet.jl/Whippet.jl/src/edges.jl:70