timbod7 / haskell-chart

A 2D charting library for haskell
425 stars 86 forks source link

New maintainer wanted... #204

Open timbod7 opened 5 years ago

timbod7 commented 5 years ago

The first commit for this library was back in 2006!

I'm no longer an active user of it, but have maintained it as people continue to find it useful. It would be be great if an existing user were to take over it's maintenance.

There are only occasional pull requests. The bulk of the effort is in amending dependency constraints, and uploading new versions to hackage.

Comment below if you are interested.

bravit commented 5 years ago

Hi Tim, I'd like to take it over.

timbod7 commented 5 years ago

I didn't expect such a quick response!

I propose that I make you a collaborator on github, and also add you as a maintainer on hackage. If in a few months time you still want to take it over, we can look at transferring the repo to your ownership.


bravit commented 5 years ago

Sounds reasonable, thanks! I'm bravit both here and on hackage. My first step would be to make a revision of Chart-diagrams on hackage to allow containers- Then I'd explore problems with adding this set of libraries to stackage.

timbod7 commented 5 years ago

Done. Lets see how we go.