Open peterljung opened 9 years ago
This works:
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Prices(prices,mkDate,filterPrices)
prices' :: [(LocalTime,Double,Double)]
prices' = filterPrices prices (mkDate 1 1 2005) (mkDate 31 12 2006)
fileopts = fo_format .~ SVG
$ fo_size .~ (800,600)
$ def
main = toFile fileopts "test.svg" $ do
layoutlr_title .= "Price History"
layoutlr_left_axis . laxis_override .= axisGridHide
layoutlr_right_axis . laxis_override .= axisGridHide
plotLeft (line "price 1" [ [ (d,v) | (d,v,_) <- prices'] ])
plotRight (line "price 2" [ [ (d,v) | (d,_,v) <- prices'] ])
or if you prefer the non-monadic style:
import System.Environment(getArgs)
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Colour
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
import Prices(prices,mkDate,filterPrices)
prices' :: [(LocalTime,Double,Double)]
prices' = filterPrices prices (mkDate 1 1 2005) (mkDate 31 12 2006)
chart = toRenderable layout
price1 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque blue
$ plot_lines_values .~ [ [ (d,v) | (d,v,_) <- prices'] ]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 1"
$ def
price2 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque green
$ plot_lines_values .~ [ [ (d,v) | (d,_,v) <- prices'] ]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 2"
$ def
layout = layoutlr_title .~"Price History"
$ layoutlr_left_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_right_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_x_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_plots .~ [Left (toPlot price1),
Right (toPlot price2)]
$ layoutlr_grid_last .~ False
$ def
fileopts = fo_format .~ SVG
$ fo_size .~ (800,600)
$ def
main = renderableToFile fileopts "test-2.svg" chart
Note that the ordering on parameters to renderableToFile change last year with this commit:, which might be causing some confusion?
Thanks for your reply!
But, I can't really see any difference from my code. And the same problem persist.
$ cat example2_fixed.hs
import System.Environment(getArgs)
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Colour
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
import Prices(prices,mkDate,filterPrices)
prices' :: [(LocalTime,Double,Double)]
prices' = filterPrices prices (mkDate 1 1 2005) (mkDate 31 12 2006)
chart = toRenderable layout
price1 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque blue
$ plot_lines_values .~ [[ (d,v) | (d,v,_) <- prices']]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 1"
$ def
price2 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque green
$ plot_lines_values .~ [[ (d,v) | (d,_,v) <- prices']]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 2"
$ def
layout = layoutlr_title .~"Price History"
$ layoutlr_left_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_right_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_x_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_plots .~ [Left (toPlot price1),
Right (toPlot price2)]
$ layoutlr_grid_last .~ False
$ def
fileopts = fo_format .~ SVG
$ fo_size .~ (800,600)
$ def
main = renderableToFile fileopts "test-2.svg" chart
$ ghc example2_fixed.hs
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( example2_fixed.hs, example2_fixed.o )
No instance for (PlotValue LocalTime) arising from a use of ‘def’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘def’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘layoutlr_grid_last .~ False $ def’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘layoutlr_plots .~ [Left (toPlot price1), Right (toPlot price2)]
$ layoutlr_grid_last .~ False $ def’
I suppose it must be something in my environment that is different.
$ ghc-pkg list
I also checked dependencies in cabal file for Chart-diagrams.
$ cabal info Chart-diagrams
* Chart-diagrams (library)
Synopsis: Diagrams backend for Charts.
Versions available: 1.1, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.4,
1.5 (and 3 others)
Versions installed: 1.5
Bug reports: [ Not specified ]
Description: Diagrams backend for Charts.
Category: Graphics
License: BSD3
Author: Jan Bracker <>
Maintainer: Jan Bracker <>
Source repo:
Dependencies: base >=3 && <5, old-locale -any, time -any, mtl -any,
diagrams-core ==1.3.*, diagrams-lib >=1.2 && <1.4,
diagrams-svg >=1.3.1 && <1.4,
diagrams-postscript >=0.7 && <1.4, SVGFonts >=1.4 && <1.6,
colour >=2.2.1 && <2.4, blaze-markup ==0.7.*,
lucid-svg ==0.4.*, bytestring >=0.9 && <1.0,
operational >=0.2.2 && <0.3, containers >=0.4 && <0.6,
data-default-class <0.1, lens >=3.9 && <4.12, Chart ==1.5.*,
text -any
Documentation: /Users/peter/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.8.3-x86_64/lib/Chart-diagrams-1.5/doc/html
Cached: Yes
i am also getting a missing PlotValue
instance when using the Diagrams
backend for this example, using either Easy
or regular.
No instance for (PlotValue y20) arising from a use of ‘toFile’
The type variable ‘y20’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance PlotValue Double
-- Defined in ‘Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Floating’
instance PlotValue Float
-- Defined in ‘Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Floating’
instance PlotValue LogValue
-- Defined in ‘Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.Floating’ five others
i'm on osx, ghc 7.8.3.
the example at the bottom of worked, after modifications - i had to use:
renderableToFile (fo_size .~ (800,600) $ fo_format .~ SVG $ def) "example5.svg" chart
because there no longer seems to be a renderableToSVGFile
oop my bad -- seems to be because i thought i didn't need both a plotLeft
and a plotRight
and can't import both Easy
and regular at the same time. works now.
Sorry you had the problem. I've updated this documentation:
@peterljung did you find a solution yet?
I'm interested too - Is this still a problem?
No, I haven't been able to get this working ...
The example that Tim suggested above doesn't work for me.
If I don't use DateTime on x-axis it does work (using v
on both axis).
price1 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque blue
$ plot_lines_values .~ [[ (v,v) | (d,v,_) <- prices']]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 1"
$ def
price2 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque green
$ plot_lines_values .~ [[ (v,v) | (d,_,v) <- prices']]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 2"
$ def
The diagrams example in "How to use backends" works fine.
Hmm. Do you still see the same problem if you import
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 5:17 AM, peterljung wrote:
No, I haven't been able to get this working ...
The example that Tim suggested above doesn't work for me. If I don't use DateTime on x-axis it does work (using v on both axis).
price1 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque blue $ plot_linesvalues .~ [[ (v,v) | (d,v,) <- prices']] $ plot_lines_title .~ "price 1" $ def
price2 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque green $ plot_linesvalues .~ [[ (v,v) | (d,,v) <- prices']] $ plot_lines_title .~ "price 2" $ def
The diagrams example in "How to use backends" works fine.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .
Hey Timbod, I got the same problem, and yes I have the same problem when import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.LocalTime
No instance for (PlotValue LocalTime)
arising from a use of `toFile'
Yes, same here.
I get a slightly different error message though.
ghc example2_fixed.hs [2 of 2] Compiling Main ( example2_fixed.hs, example2_fixed.o )
$ ghc example2_fixed.hs
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( example2_fixed.hs, example2_fixed.o )
No instance for (PlotValue LocalTime) arising from a use of ‘def’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘def’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘layoutlr_grid_last .~ False $ def’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘layoutlr_plots .~ [Left (toPlot price1), Right (toPlot price2)]
$ layoutlr_grid_last .~ False $ def’
From the following code
import System.Environment(getArgs)
import Data.Colour.Names
import Data.Colour
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Diagrams
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Axis.LocalTime
import Prices(prices,mkDate,filterPrices)
prices' :: [(LocalTime,Double,Double)]
prices' = filterPrices prices (mkDate 1 1 2005) (mkDate 31 12 2006)
chart = toRenderable layout
price1 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque blue
$ plot_lines_values .~ [[ (d,v) | (d,v,_) <- prices']]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 1"
$ def
price2 = plot_lines_style . line_color .~ opaque green
$ plot_lines_values .~ [[ (d,v) | (d,_,v) <- prices']]
$ plot_lines_title .~ "price 2"
$ def
layout = layoutlr_title .~"Price History"
$ layoutlr_left_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_right_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_x_axis . laxis_override .~ axisGridHide
$ layoutlr_plots .~ [Left (toPlot price1),
Right (toPlot price2)]
$ layoutlr_grid_last .~ False
$ def
fileopts = fo_format .~ SVG
$ fo_size .~ (800,600)
$ def
main = renderableToFile fileopts "test-2.svg" chart
I'm at a bit of a loss here. I don't see why this instance for Double can be found ok:
whereas this corresponding instance for LocalTime is not found for you:
I'm clutching at straws, but is it possible that somehow you have a different version of the time package visible when compiling the example, compared with when the library was build?
I made a clean install of Haskell Platform, cabal and chart-diagrams on OSX Yosemite (0.10.4) and now the example works as expected.
$ ghc example2_fixed.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling Prices ( Prices.hs, Prices.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( example2_fixed.hs, example2_fixed.o )
Linking example2_fixed ...
$ ghc -v
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.10.2, stage 2 booted by GHC version
$ ghc-pkg list
Unfortunate that I wasn't able to figure out this dependency problem on my own. Is there a good way to ensure exact dependencies in a build like this? A cabal config with restrictive dependencies?
Anyway, thank a lot for trying to help out!
It's good that you've got it working. The error you are seeing is quite surprising.
I'm also thinking about a clean install to see if this would solve my problem too. I will keep you informed.
I'm not able to figure out how convert example2 to use the diagrams backend.
I simply change the import:
And changed output to SVG
I get the following in all my attempts:
I have successfully used
in a previous version of the library."How to use backends" doesn't seem to be up to date for 1.5 version.