timbunce / WebAPI-DBIC

A composable RESTful JSON API to DBIx::Class schemas using roles and Web::Machine. PLEASE NOTE This module is no longer under active development. If you're interested in helping to develop or maintain it please fork it.
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Add support for JSON API media type #10

Open timbunce opened 9 years ago

timbunce commented 9 years ago

Adding support for JSON API would make WebAPI::DBIC directly usable as a backend for web applications implemented in EmberJS. JSON API uses the application/vnd.api+json media type.

JSON API was originally an attempt to standardize the Ember data backend API. It has since diverged a little but there's effort underway to converge.

JSON API has some benefits over HAL.

Implementing JSON API will be an interesting example of extending WebAPI::DBIC to support other media types and so should lead to some useful refactoring.

I don't see any reason to deprecate support for HAL. In fact I can imagine using both media types to talk to a single model at the same time: JSON API for an Ember UI for humans and HAL for a pure-data service.