timcassell / ProtoPromise

Robust and efficient library for management of asynchronous operations in C#/.Net.
MIT License
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Add `PromiseAllResultsGroup` and `PromiseMergeResultsGroup`. #442

Closed timcassell closed 1 month ago

timcassell commented 1 month ago

Resolves #396

timcassell commented 1 month ago

Using PromiseMergeResultsGroupExtended causes IL2CPP builds to fail on Linux. There are workarounds (change IL2CPP Code Generation to Faster (smaller) builds), and other runtimes/build targets work. So we're just skipping those tests with IL2CPP in CI. It should be pretty rare to need to merge more than 7 types anyway.

Luckily the code simply existing without being used doesn't cause the build to fail or the runtime to explode like some code did in the past, so we don't need to strip it out.

[Edit] This turned out to be a github runners size limitation. See https://github.com/game-ci/unity-builder/issues/656