time-link / timelink-kleio

Provides translation of files in Kleio notation into XML and other formats. Part of Timelink.
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TEP - Artifacts for registering consolidated biographic records #13

Open joaquimrcarvalho opened 1 year ago

joaquimrcarvalho commented 1 year ago

Consolidated biographic records are records of personal (or object) information of different origins aggregated in a single source.

This types of records contain information obtained in different sources.

Example (from Dehergne, 1975):

E. Goa, déc. 1579 (DI XII, 612 n. 54). Emb. non prêtre, le 25 mars 1602, sur le S. Valentim (W 486). V. « Negapatami » (Négapatam), 6 janv. 1604, pr. (Lus. 3, 82). Il signe Antonius Dabreu. M. dans la rivière de « Chincheo »,m.q. Changchow (Tchang-tcheou), ou peut-être Chuanchow (Ts'iuen-tcheou), au Fou-kien, en 1611, en route vers le Japon (Schûtte 343., HS 43, 57 dit 1612). Pf. 125. (Distinct du Provincial de Portugal de ce nom, 1627-1629 N. Lisbonne 1561, E. à Coïmbre 1576 (Lus. 43 II, 509v). Un P. de ce nom meurt dans un naufrage le 31 oct. 1611, mais à Coulam, sur la côte malabare (Goa 24 II). HS 43a, 2v parle, semble-t-il, de ce dernier qu'il reporte à l'an 1612

Kleio transcription

    fonte$dehergne-a/1973/Dicionário Biográfico/loc=Online archive.org:details:bhsi37/obs=Dehergne, Joseph, Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine, de 1542 à 1800, 1973. Letra A - Entradas relacionadas com Coimbra.


            n$António de Abreu/id=deh-antonio-de-abreu
                ls$jesuita-entrada/Goa, Índia/15791200
                ls$embarque/S. Valentim/16020325#não padre
                ls$jesuita-votos-local/Negapattinam, Índia%Negapatami (Négapatam)
                        # @wikidata:Q695585/16040106
                ls$morte/Changchow, China#no rio, a caminho do Japão 

In this case there is not the concept of "act" with a date that applies to the attributes and relations of the people and objects described.

Hence each attribute and relation needs to be qualified with a date.

It is common that successive attributes are generated based on a single episode of the biography:

    ls$embarque/S. Valentim/16020325#não padre

Here the date 16020325 is repeated three times.


Use the factoid concept to encapsulate the events that generate a series of attributes and relations (see https://www.kcl.ac.uk/factoid-prosopography/about)

Add a factoid$ group to the person and object derived group.

The factoid has a name, date, type and a position in the source.

It works as an "inner" act inside the person record


    factoid$embarque para a índia/25/03/1602/type=viagem/fol=201
    ls$embarque#não padre/S. Valentim

(Are the ls at the same level of the factoid or not? If yes then the introduction of the factoid is just used to set the date of subsequent attributes and relations and a note in their obs . But there is the risk that factoids overflow their intended scope with no visual feedback.

If they are under factoid then the kleio translator needs to make a note of the proper ancestor for attributes and relations and this can be complicated if factoids are also supposed to have attributes. Also some notation for the end of a factoid is necessary

    factoid$embarque para a índia/25/03/1602/type=viagem/fol=201
         ls$embarque#não padre/S. Valentim
joaquimrcarvalho commented 1 year ago

Why not merge this with the ideia of a format for real persons? Together with linked data this would solve a few problems: exchange of real person information, registration of prosopographic sources and sharing data with linked data notation.

Do we have all that is necessary for this in the specs for importing authority records on linkink (see https://github.com/joaquimrcarvalho/timelink/blob/master/doc/user/rentities_records.md) ?

I believe so. We could add synonym for identifications

  part name=prosopography, source=identifications

A prosopographic secondary source such as dehergne could be coded as:

          /obs=Dehergne, Joseph, Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine, de 1542 à 1800, 1973. 

            rperson$António de Abreu/id=deh-antonio-de-abreu
                ls$jesuita-entrada/Goa, Índia/15791200

                factoid$embarque para a índia/25/03/1602/type=viagem/fol=201
                               /obs=This set the default date for subsequent attributes and relations.
                ls$embarque/S. Valentim#não padre

                ls$jesuita-votos-local/Negapattinam, Índia%Negapatami (Négapatam)
                        # @wikidata:Q695585/16040106
                ls$morte/Changchow, China#no rio, a caminho do Japão 