time-link / timelink-py

Timelink Python Package
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Add models for real person, real object and real geoentity #21

Open joaquimrcarvalho opened 8 months ago

joaquimrcarvalho commented 8 months ago

Copy from the MHK java implementation

joaquimrcarvalho commented 8 months ago

see #22

joaquimrcarvalho commented 1 month ago

Comment in the Java code:

joaquimrcarvalho commented 1 month ago
class RealEntity(Entity):
   id: str
   name: str
  status: enum   # one of U=linked (single occurrence), A=Automatic, S=Source, M=Manual linked, V=Valid

  # Methods
 def same_as(id1:str , id2:str, user="user", status="M", real_id=None) -> str:
   """ Returns a real entity id linking id1 and id2.

        if id1 and id2 are both unliked occurrences then a new real entity is created
        associated with user.  if real_id is given is not given a random id is generated.

       if id1 is a real entity and id2 is not, then id2 is added to id1 and id1 returned
       if id2 is a real entity and id1 is not, swap and do as above.
       if both id1 and id2 are real entities, merge them and keep the id of the real
          entity with higher status V->M->S->A->U

      in all the cases linking two id2 of different types or inheriting from a common type not equal to Entity is an error."""
      return None

def make_real(id1,user="user",,status="U")-> str:
   """ Make  id1 a real entity, return new real id"""
    return None

def not_same_as(id1,rid, silent=False):
     """ detach id1 from rid.

     detaches id from rid, returns error if id1 not in rid and silent=False"""
    return None

   def get_users(self) -> List[str]:
      """ Returns the list of users currently in the database """

     return []

   def get(id)-> RealEntity:
    """ return a real entity """

class RealRelations(Entity):
   """ Represents a relation between real entities 
         A real relation is:
            1. (U) unlinked relations: any relation between the occurrences of real entities
            2. (A) automatically linked relations: relations that consolidate several
            relations between the occurrences of the real entities, inferred_date_start
           and inferred_date_end register the extreme dates of the relations between
          the occurrences. The consolidation was done automatically.
         3. (M) same as (A) but the occurrences were consolidated manually.

        id: str
        user: str   
        status : enum.  # U,A,M
        r_origin:  str  # id of the real entity origin of the relation
       r_destination: str
      the_type: str
      the_value: str
     the_date: str
    inferred_start: date    #  first date on the occs relas between the real entities
    inferred_start_type: enum  # D=at the date, B=before the date, A=after the date
    inferred_end: date 
    inferred_end_type: enum
joaquimrcarvalho commented 1 month ago

class link(Base):   # sqlalchemy base form
    rid: str
    user: str  # link to users
   occ:str.  # id of the occurrence
   status: enum. # M=Manual, S=Source (same as), A=Automatic, U=unliked (single link)