time-series-machine-learning / tsml-java

Java time series machine learning tools in a Weka compatible toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ShapeletTransformClassifier improvements #257

Open TonyBagnall opened 4 years ago

TonyBagnall commented 4 years ago

work to do on the ShapeletTransformClassifier

  1. Set it up so that it can estimate its own train performance. done
  2. Use and assess ContractRotF not RotF. done
  3. Try ST+PCA+RandomF instead of ST+RotF, tried, wasnt very good, shelved for now
  4. Evaluate estimate its own train performance. Michael OOB-ing RotF
  5. Check saving of transform files
TonyBagnall commented 3 years ago

revisit in 2021. Things to try

  1. EnhancedRotF replaces ContractRotF: simpler timing mechanism, allows OOB
  2. Test pruning mechanism, does it work and does it reduce feature space? Invesatigate alternatives
  3. implement rocket style ensemble, separate transform for each classifier, then use basic tree (or even rotation tree)
  4. attempt to dynamically determine search time through a proxy classifier, stop after no improvement
  5. fully test PCA again