timeglass / glass

Automated time tracking for Git repositories. [DEPRECATED]
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Install on OSX troublesome if you don't sudo to start with #64

Open piersb opened 8 years ago

piersb commented 8 years ago

Steps to replicate

Expected result: Error message saying you need to do this with sudo Actual result: Partial install. The original install fails, but then trying to sudo install fails because some files already exist.

sudo glass uninstall followed by sudo glass install corrects the problem

Piers-MacBook-Air:dezeen-aa piersb$ glass install
glass: 11:36:55 Installing the Timeglass background service...
2016/05/09 11:36:55 Failed to create logger: open /Library/Timeglass/daemon.log: permission denied
glass: 11:36:55 Failed to install Daemon: exit status 1
Piers-MacBook-Air:dezeen-aa piersb$ sudo glass install
glass: 11:37:03 Installing the Timeglass background service...
2016/05/09 11:37:03 Failed to handle service control: Failed to install Timeglass: Init already exists: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.timeglass.glass-daemon.plist
glass: 11:37:03 Failed to install Daemon: exit status 1