timelessco / chakra-components

Components built on top of Chakra UI
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[RFC] Component - MenuBar v1.0 #43

Open navin-moorthy opened 4 years ago

navin-moorthy commented 4 years ago

Base Component to build an application Navbar, sidebar and Mobile Menu

The Goal:

Create a MenuBar as a navigation component that is composable, extensible and accessible using Chakra UI.

Key Resources:

Key Features:



<MenuBar ariaLabel="Dishes">
  <MenuBarItem>My Calendar</MenuBarItem>
    <SubMenuTitle>Meal Plans</SubMenuTitle>
      <SubMenuItem>Create a Copyed</SubMenuItem>
      <SubMenuItem>Mark as Drafted</SubMenuItem>
      <SubMenuItem>Create a Copy</SubMenuItem>
      <SubMenuItem>Mark as Draft</SubMenuItem>
      <SubMenuItem>Attend a Workshop</SubMenuItem>
      <SubMenuItem>Create a Coping</SubMenuItem>
      <SubMenuItem>Mark as Drafting</SubMenuItem>


navin-moorthy commented 4 years ago

Can we have all the props as in https://ant.design/components/menu/ ?

prasanna1211 commented 4 years ago
  1. Items can be a dropdown, I think that is must. Dropdown shouldn't be a children. That is it shouldn't be something like
    <Dropdown />

Instead it should be

  <NavItem type="dropdown>
    render all <NavItemOptions />

Reason is that, if it is a children the composition would change for dropdown in smaller screens. You might have to use ul li to manage the list.

Whereas in the second option when type="dropdown" is passed in as a context, the NavItemOptions should automatically get converted to a collapsible list. Agree ?

govindsingh55 commented 4 years ago

Chakra MenuList is always being rendered in Popover so

prasanna1211 commented 4 years ago

Our menu is different from their menu. Ours is a kind of nav component that creates a list of navitems. Our nav item can be a Chakra Menu (or) a simple navigatable ul li's. For now we can use their chakra menu to be our nav item in case if our submenu is of type dropdown.

govindsingh55 commented 4 years ago

in case if our submenu is of type dropdown.

modification is required. have to put a condition whether the return will be popover MenuList or Collapsable MenuList

prasanna1211 commented 4 years ago

Collapsible is not a case for desktop screen. Lets make a desktop version where there can be just two types.

  1. type = 'dropdown' - which can open sub nav items that can be a simple nav item.
  2. type = 'nav' - which is a direct nav item.

By nav item I mean once clicked can navigate you through a route. It will have onActionProp.

govindsingh55 commented 4 years ago

NavItem is just a container that can receive children like Link, string, button, icon, menu or any other composition. so type is not required I think for NavItem

prasanna1211 commented 4 years ago

ok, for desktop it is not needed. But for mobile it will be needed. Ignore for it now.

sandeepprabhakaran commented 4 years ago

Desktop version can also have a collapsible menu type. We should think about the use case like this:

<SubNavItem>Any children components can be rendered here</SubNavItem>
prasanna1211 commented 4 years ago

@sandeepprabhakaran In that case we would be having to write two different children, one for responsive and another for desktop ?

sandeepprabhakaran commented 4 years ago

Can you explain why that's required? Pretty much every Navitem will be collapsed on responsive, only that there can be two levels. Collapsed nav ... <NavItem> ... <SubNavItem>

So in that sense we know which Menus will go one level deep or two level deep. Right?

prasanna1211 commented 4 years ago

I will explain the case clearly.

The ideal way that we are looking is to have a desktop version something like this


The Code would look like

  <NavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Navigation one</SubNavItem>
  <NavItem type="link" action={navigateTo} disabled>Navigation two</SubNavItem>
  <NavItem type="submenu">
    <SubNavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Option 1</SubNavItem>
    <SubNavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Option 2</SubNavItem>

To achieve the same thing with chakra Menu as a NavItem, the code would be looking like

  // Don't use chakra menu for the next line since it is just a normal link
  <NavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Navigation one</SubNavItem>

  // Don't use chakra menu for the next line since it is just a normal link
  <NavItem type="link" action={navigateTo} disabled>Navigation two</SubNavItem>

  // Use Chakra menu that uses Popover JS
  <NavItem type="submenu">
    <SubNavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Option 1</SubNavItem>
    <SubNavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Option 2</SubNavItem>

On Desktop screen [Works fine]

Screenshot 2020-04-08 at 5 29 12 PM

On Mobile screen (Issue: Cannot collapse since it is always a dropdown using popover)


So to avoid this issue either

NavItem should be rendering Chakra's menu at desktop screen and a simple collapsible list at mobile screen.


Compose with two different components when using it in the app.

navin-moorthy commented 4 years ago
  // Don't use chakra menu for the next line since it is just a normal link
  <NavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Navigation one</SubNavItem>

  // Don't use chakra menu for the next line since it is just a normal link
  <NavItem type="link" action={navigateTo} disabled>Navigation two</SubNavItem>

  // Use Chakra menu that uses Popover JS
  <NavItem type="submenu">
    <SubNavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Option 1</SubNavItem>
    <SubNavItem type="link" action={navigateTo}>Option 2</SubNavItem>

Just like this


We can have our Link component with NavItem since it will be a Box Components right? Do we need type props?

I think it's best to compose our own submenu component to tackle the responsiveness.

navin-moorthy commented 4 years ago

Note- Updated the Description

Pending Features