timelesslounge / timelessis

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PDD min-words config slowing down DEV work #544

Closed pablopaul closed 5 years ago

pablopaul commented 5 years ago

This is the second time the TravisCI build failed because of an error like this:

ERROR: Puzzle .rultor.yml:26-26 has a very short description of just 14 words while a minimum of 20 is required

Please run pdd command with a lower min-words config like this --rule min-words:5 in .pdd, see https://github.com/yegor256/pdd/#how-to-configure-rules for more info

0crat commented 5 years ago

@emilianodellacasa/z please, pay attention to this issue

emilianodellacasa commented 5 years ago

@pablopaul I know this could be annoying, but a minimum number of words of 20 force DEVs to be more descriptive of the issue, otherwise they are just going to write "Just fix that f*cking shit" :)

0crat commented 5 years ago

Job gh:timelesslounge/timelessis#544 is not assigned, can't get performer

0crat commented 5 years ago

This job is not in scope