I get no output using the code below where I use parcoords together with scatterD3 in a Shiny app. If I comment out scatterD3Output, the parcoords graph appears. With normal plotOutput it works fine together. Strange.
The transition from d3v3 to d3v4 will be very tricky. scatterD3 uses v4 of d3js which does not peacefully coexist with v3 on which parcoords is based. As of now, we have no good solution for this :(
I get no output using the code below where I use parcoords together with scatterD3 in a Shiny app. If I comment out scatterD3Output, the parcoords graph appears. With normal plotOutput it works fine together. Strange.
`##devtools::install_github("timelyportfolio/parcoords", force=TRUE) library(shiny) library(parcoords) require(scatterD3)
ui = shinyUI( fluidPage(
plotOutput( "dot1"), ## OK!
server = function(input,output,session) { output$parcoords = renderParcoords(parcoords( iris[,c(5,1:4)])) output$dot1 <- renderPlot( plot( iris[,1], iris[,2])) output$dot2 <- renderScatterD3( scatterD3( iris[,1], iris[,2] )) }
shinyApp(ui,server) `