Closed tyjselina closed 7 years ago
In 0.6.3
, sunburst changed to use d3r
for the d3
dependency, but this did not seem to affect any shiny
examples that I tried. Can you try?
# read in sample visit-sequences.csv data provided in source
sequences <- read.csv(
,header = FALSE
,stringsAsFactors = FALSE
sb <- sunburst(sequences)
ui <- htmlOutput("sb")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$sb <- renderUI(tagList(sb))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Would you be able to open your broken example in Chrome/Firefox/Safari to inspect the JavaScript console for errors? Usually, F12
or CTRL + Shift + J will open the debugger window.
I thought I would add some thoughts on a better way to approach your objective, by using the add_shiny()
function and rendering your UI/HTMLoutput
separately from the sunburst
chart. See shiny example for an illustration. Happy to help work through this if you like the idea.
Hello, the code doesn't work on my machine. Just want to confirm with you the shiny version of your machine?
shiny * 1.0.1 2017-04-01 CRAN (R 3.3.3)
but I think the issue might be htmltools
. Will you update to the github version of that and see if there is any effect?
Many thanks. That works perfect!
Just noticed one more thing, for the sunburst version of 0.6.4, it seems the legendOrder statement doesn't work on my computer, as if I click the checkbox, there is no text. For example(in the middle part),
Let me know if I need to do more update.
Thank you for your great work.
Darn I thought I tested but could have easily messed it up with new color functionality. I will check by next week and fix.
@tyjselina, thanks again for the report. I believe I have fixed the issue. Please let me know if it does not work as expected for you.
@timelyportfolio It stays the same for me, there is still no text. Any ideas?
Did you do a fresh install_github? Are you copy/pasting that example? If not could you post code?
Thank you! It works! Previously I reinstalled the package from the cran, so I think that's the reason why it doesn't work.
Great to hear. I will try to push to CRAN by end of week. Thanks again for the bug report.
Based on this example (use sunburst event), I want to wrapped it into an interactive shiny app (the click on within an interactive shiny app). What I did previously is put the (browsable function/tagList) into the renderUI function,
`output$sunburst = renderUI({tagList( sb, tags$div(id="games", style="margin-top:100px"), tags$script(HTML( sprintf( ' var action = %s;
function mouseovered(d){ var games = action.filter(function(evt){ return evt.event === d.join("-"); });
var div = document.getElementById("games"); div.innerHTML ={ return [ "<a href=\'", game.gameday_link, "\'>", game.gameday_link, "
" ].join(""); }).join("\n"); } ', jsonlite::toJSON(action, auto_unbox=TRUE, dataframe="row") ) )) )})`
It works fine. But after I updated the sunburst package from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3, the generated sunburst chart is not shown up in the app. So I am wondering which parts has change resulting in the in-compatible of browsable/sunburst with renderUI
My current shiny version is shiny_0.14, R and R studio version is 3.3.2 and 0.99.902
Many thanks