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Postman Assignments for QA and Manager 2: Use Postman for testing - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE #7

Closed gamenic-prizma closed 4 months ago

gamenic-prizma commented 5 months ago

Assignment 1: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト1 - GET

send an API Request to post and GET information on all posts. Please share a screenshot of the Request content (URL) and the Body content.

postへAPI Requestを送信し、Postすべての情報をGETしてください。 Request内容(URL)と、Bodyの内容をスクリーンショットで共有してください。

Hint/ヒント: endpoint is https://my-json-server.typicode.com/timeriver/trg_api/posts GETのリクエスト先は  https://my-json-server.typicode.com/timeriver/trg_api/posts

Assignment 2: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト2 - GET

  1. GET all posts of user id = 1. Please share the Request content (URL) and a screenshot of the Body content.
  2. Answer what is the appropriate response to return from the GET method and why.

Share the following screenshot and answer.

  1. User id=1のpostsをすべてGETしてください。 Request内容(URL)と、Bodyの内容をスクリーンショットで共有してください。
  2. GETメソッドからリターンするレスポンスは何が適切か、それはなぜかを回答してください。


Assignment 3: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト3 - POST

  1. Use the POST method to create a new post. (The content can be anything.)
  2. answer what is the appropriate response to return from the POST method and why.

Share the following screenshot and answer.

  1. POSTメソッドを使い、新しいポストを作成してください。 (内容は何でもかまいません)
  2. POSTメソッドからリターンするレスポンスは何が適切か、それはなぜかを回答してください。


Assignment 4: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト4 - PUT

  1. Use the PUT method to update the title and content of the post with comment id = 1. (The content can be anything)
  2. Answer what is the appropriate response to return from the PUT method and why.

Share the following screenshots and answer.

  1. PUTメソッドを使い、comment id = 1のポストのタイトルと内容を更新してください。 (内容は何でも構いません。)
  2. PUTメソッドからリターンするレスポンスは何が適切か、それはなぜかを回答してください。


Hint/ヒント: You can use Body > Row to post Body > Row を利用してPOSTができます

Assignment 5: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト5 - DELETE

  1. Use the DELETE method to delete post of post id = 2.
  2. Answer what is the appropriate response to return from the DELETE method and why.

Share the following screenshots.

  1. DELETEメソッドを使い、post id = 2のポストを削除してください。
  2. DELETEメソッドからリターンするレスポンスは何が適切か、それはなぜかを回答してください。



https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/guide/ https://blog.postman.com/what-are-http-status-codes/ https://restfulapi.net/http-methods/

gamenic-prizma commented 5 months ago

@writerity-mami-asakura @writerity-mitsuru-kobayashi

Assignment 1: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト1 - GET

URL & Body


Assignment 2: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト2 - GET

  1. GET all posts of user id = 1. Please share the Request content (URL) and a screenshot of the Body content.

URL & Body

  1. What is the appropriate response to return from the GET method and why? => If the request is successful then returns status code 200 OK and also the server is returning the requested data.

Assignment 3: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト3 - POST

  1. Use the POST method to create a new post. (The content can be anything.)

  2. Answer what is the appropriate response to return from the POST method and why? => The appropriate response to return from a POST method is '201 Created' which indicates that the request has been fulfilled and has resulted in the creation of a new resource.

Assignment 4: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト4 - PUT

  1. Use the PUT method to update the title and content of the post with comment id = 1. (The content can be anything)

  2. Answer what is the appropriate response to return from the PUT method and why? => Upon a successful PUT request, it responded with the widely used status code 200 OK, signifying the successful update of the resource.

Assignment 5: Basic Request/基本的なリクエスト5 - DELETE

  1. Use the DELETE method to delete post of post id = 2.

  2. Answer what is the appropriate response to return from the DELETE method and why? =>The appropriate response from the DELETE method is typically indicated by status code 204 (No Content), accompanied by an empty response body. Alternatively, the status code 200 OK can also be deemed acceptable.

writerity-mami-asakura commented 5 months ago

@gamenic-prizma Good work, you can close this ticket