times-software / OCEAN

BSE code for core spectroscopy
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multiple ABINIT version support #18

Closed jtv3 closed 9 years ago

jtv3 commented 10 years ago

Abinit has been doing some welcome cleaning up, but to support older installations OCEAN needs to be able to serve several different ways of dealing with parallelization and file handling.

jtv3 commented 10 years ago

This is in the DFT_versions branch.

Current successes. QE 5.0, QE 5.1, ABINIT 7.8.

jtv3 commented 9 years ago

QE 4.3, 5.0, and 5.1 should all work (so long as the user identifies it correctly in the makefile. @dasc01 should incorporate this into the documentation on installation #56

@jtv3 needs to check ABINIT versions for at least a couple different ones and get them into the Documentation.

jtv3 commented 9 years ago

ABINIT 7.10 works as well.

I'm going to go ahead and remove this from milestone v1.0.0. I think additional abinit support (new and legacy) can wait for user requests and complaints.