times-software / OCEAN

BSE code for core spectroscopy
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Spin for valence calculations #213

Open jtv3 opened 7 years ago

jtv3 commented 7 years ago

We need to add/check on spin support for all aspects of the code work flow.

  1. Underlying vector operations in OCEAN_psi [x]
  2. Energies [Das]
  3. Wavefunctions (u2.dat) [Das]
  4. Transition Matrix ElementsTransition [Das] a. For UV/optical b. For RIXS [x]
  5. BSE a. H_0 (energy part) [x] b. Bubbles [x] c. Ladders [x]
  6. PREP and DFT [jtv] a. umklapp b. psi's c. u2.dat d. enkfile e. range
  7. OBFs [jtv]
  8. Spin prefactor in opcons?
jtv3 commented 7 years ago

Need to also add the ability to run a spin BSE on top of a nspin=1 DFT base. This would show up for instance in L23 RIXS of a non-magnetic system.

Proposing we add valence_ham_spin as an option in OCEAN_system:

  1. Can be 1 or 2
  2. Must be 2 if nspn = 2
  3. If RIXS and not K-edge automatically 2
  4. Undocumented, optional file for devs "force_val_ham_spin.ipt" ?
jtv3 commented 7 years ago


From PRB 62, 4927 (2000). For loop structure of valence-level exciton valence spins are the outer loop, conduction spins are the inner loop.

The structure of the core-level exciton is: core-level spin, core-level ml, conduction/valence spin. These two are more or less consistent with each other. The spin of the hole state is the outermost loop.

jtv3 commented 7 years ago

Tests to run (@dasc01 feel free to add/subtract)

  1. Si valence DFT spin=1, BSE spin=2
  2. Si valence DFT spin=2, BSE spin=2
  3. O2
  4. Hematite
  5. Check K-edge RIXS w/ BSE spin=2. The pnorm's will show if the spins are read in correctly.