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Failed to use cif file with large structure #9

Open LavendaRaphael opened 2 years ago

LavendaRaphael commented 2 years ago

Dear developers,

When I use a cif file with a larger structure as structure input, feff10 will fail with an error message (in log1.dat):

Calculating SCF potentials ...
FEFF-MPI using     1 parallel threads.
Muffin tin radii and interstitial parameters [bohr]:
 FOLP for POTENTIAL type  15 is too big.
 Reduce overlap using FOLP and rerun

I found that the reason is that when feff processes the cif file, it generates potentials for all atoms, which in my case is pot 0 to 16. But when it converts cif to atom.dat, its default cluster radius (approximately 16.9 angstroms) is smaller than my cif unit cell parameters, so some atoms are not included in the clusters generated in atom.dat, It is the atomic type 15 in the error message. So when I commented the atom type 15 (Pt15) in the cif file, it worked well. Using webatoms to generate input files is also effective. I have attached all relevant files for reference. test.zip


FEFF 10.0.0 feffmpi


TITLE test

CIF feff.cif


e_grid -10 20 0.1


SCF 7.0

FMS 9.0 0 2


_audit_creation_date              2021-11-11
_audit_creation_method            'Materials Studio'
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M    'P3M1'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number       156
_symmetry_cell_setting            trigonal
_cell_length_a                    5.6105
_cell_length_b                    5.6105
_cell_length_c                    36.7204
_cell_angle_alpha                 90.0000
_cell_angle_beta                  90.0000
_cell_angle_gamma                 120.0000
O1     O     0.00000   0.00000   0.04139   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt2    Pt    0.00000   0.00000   0.19903   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt3    Pt    0.00000   0.00000   0.38616   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt4    Pt    0.66667   0.83333   0.26141   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt5    Pt    0.65398   0.82699   0.07264   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt6    Pt   -0.00000   0.50000   0.19903   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt7    Pt    0.00000   0.50000   0.38616   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt8    Pt    0.66667   0.83333   0.44854   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt9    Pt    0.83425   0.16575   0.13761   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt10   Pt    0.66667   0.33333   0.26141   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt11   Pt    0.66667   0.33333   0.07682   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt12   Pt    0.66667   0.33333   0.44854   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt13   Pt    0.33333   0.66667   0.13434   1.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt14   Pt    0.33333   0.66667   0.32378   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt15   Pt    0.33333   0.66667   0.51091   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
Pt16   Pt    0.33333   0.16667   0.32378   0.00000  Uiso   1.00
LavendaRaphael commented 2 years ago

When I read the code src to find a solution, I found the following code to determine the cluster radius of cif. In RDINP/rdinp.f90 1869 line

mindist = min(dsqrt(a1(1)**2+a1(2)**2+a1(3)**2)*i1, dsqrt(a2(1)**2+a2(2)**2+a2(3)**2)*i1, dsqrt(a3(1)**2+a3(2)**2+a3(3)**2)*i1)

I don't understand why i1, i1, i1 here, and why not i1, i2, i3 like this?

mindist = min(dsqrt(a1(1)**2+a1(2)**2+a1(3)**2)*i1, dsqrt(a2(1)**2+a2(2)**2+a2(3)**2)*i2, dsqrt(a3(1)**2+a3(2)**2+a3(3)**2)*i3)

In addition, I made a small modification in rdinp.f90 to expand the cluster radius to include all atoms in one unit cell, which can temporarily solve the problem metioned above. rdinp_mod.zip