timescale / outflux

Export data from InfluxDB to TimescaleDB
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Error with Retention Policy in migration #87

Closed aimtsou closed 3 years ago

aimtsou commented 3 years ago

Running the outflux command I get an error:

2021/05/03 16:14:43 Will ignore measurement 'thread_count' because: error fetching fields for measurement 'thread_count' error executing query: SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM "autogen"."thread_count" retention policy not found: autogen

The command I am executing is: ./outflux migrate mydb --input-server https://testme:1234 --input-user testme --input-pass testme --output-conn='host=testme2 port=1234 dbname=migrate user=test password=test sslmode=verify-full'

What am i doing wrong? How should I use the retention policy?

PS: In several places the README uses output-con which is wrong.

aimtsou commented 3 years ago

Replying to myself we should provide with flag --retention-policy <YOUR RETENTION POLICY NAME>

Which you can find in influx by querying: show retention policies