timescale / timescaledb-docker

Release Docker builds of TimescaleDB
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ERROR: invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "table" HINT: Make sure the TimescaleDB extension has been preloaded. #86

Closed FANHIDE closed 2 years ago

FANHIDE commented 4 years ago

I use the docker image : timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg10 but when i insert into table.the error is image

t0k4rt commented 4 years ago

Same issue here, it was working yesterday and today, everything inserts started to fail.

shubhamdipt commented 3 years ago

Same issue with me as well.

neowulf commented 3 years ago

What's the recommended way to bootstrap the timescaldb with the hypertables within a docker container?

nemmeviu commented 3 years ago


ronnyek commented 3 years ago

I started experiencing this as well after performing pg_dump/pg_restore per the instructionms on the site.

\c tutorial --connect to the db where we'll perform the restore
SELECT timescaledb_pre_restore();

-- execute the restore (or from a shell)
\! pg_restore -Fc -d tutorial tutorial.bak

SELECT timescaledb_post_restore();

Yet no inserts can successfully write to that table. I did get a fair number warnings in both executing the backup and executing the restore. About circular references, and that I should not be using --data-only (even though I was using Fc.

I've got concerns about timescaledb if I can't reliably backup/restore the db.

DmitrySidorow commented 3 years ago

I started experiencing this as well after performing pg_dump/pg_restore per the instructionms on the site.

\c tutorial --connect to the db where we'll perform the restore
SELECT timescaledb_pre_restore();

-- execute the restore (or from a shell)
\! pg_restore -Fc -d tutorial tutorial.bak

SELECT timescaledb_post_restore();

Yet no inserts can successfully write to that table. I did get a fair number warnings in both executing the backup and executing the restore. About circular references, and that I should not be using --data-only (even though I was using Fc.

I've got concerns about timescaledb if I can't reliably backup/restore the db.

In my case the reason was that the backup was version 1.7, and restored to 2.0

akashagarwal7 commented 3 years ago

Same issue here with PG 11 and timescale 1.5.1. Source DB and target DB for backup and restore respectively have the same timescale extension on public schema. Restoring using psql instead of pg_restore as per the instructions here.

svenklemm commented 2 years ago

Closing this since those are very old versions. Problems with backup/restore should better be reported to the main repo as they will get more visibility there.

wapmorgan commented 1 year ago

This problem stil exists on postgres 14

vuongphamaioz commented 1 year ago

I encountered the same issue. The solution is https://docs.timescale.com/timescaledb/latest/how-to-guides/backup-and-restore/pg-dump-and-restore/ as https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb-docker/issues/86#issuecomment-851769851.

th0mk commented 1 year ago

This issue still happens on the current version. I had it yesterday after doing a database migration with Timescale their hypershift tool (which is basically a faster way of dumping and restoring)

Some notes on this:

After I switched, this started happening: image

As a result, I had to roll back the production migration and revert to the source database, which was quite painful. While I should probably have checked if inserts were working before fully switching over, I find it concerning that I'm unable to reliably migrate a production database even when utilizing Timescale's own tools. My only solution right now seems to move the data away from Timescale and try again.

AndreMaz commented 12 months ago

@svenklemm can you please re-open this ticket?

I have exactly the same issue as @th0mk

Migrated with hypershift from Timescale Managed to Timescale Cloud Migration result: image

Tables @ Timescale Cloud image

and yet I'm getting

ERROR:  invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "_hyper_1_76_chunk"
HINT:  Make sure the TimescaleDB extension has been preloaded.

Chunk is here image

Context: PostgreSQL: v15.3 TimescaleDB: v2.11.1

AndreMaz commented 12 months ago

Just leaving here the steps that, apparently, solved my issue

1) psql "postgres://tsdbadmin:<TARGET-PASSWORD>@<TARGET-URL>:<TARGET-PORT>/tsdb?sslmode=require" 2) DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; 3) CREATE SCHEMA public; 4) psql -X "postgres://tsdbadmin:<TARGET-PASSWORD>@<TARGET-URL>:<TARGET-PORT>/tsdb?sslmode=require" // Don't forget to add -X 5) CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS timescaledb; 6) docker run -v $PWD/config.yml:/config.yml -ti timescale/hypershift:0.6 clone -s='host=<SOURCE-URL> dbname=<SOURCE-DB-NAME> port=<SOURCE-PORT> user=tsdbadmin password=<SOURCE-PASSWORD>' \ -t='host=<TARGET-URL> dbname=tsdb port=<TARGET-PORT> user=tsdbadmin password=<TARGET-PASSWORD>' -c='/config.yml'

YAML config for hypershift:

verify: true
create_db: false

Note: I'm not sure why I had to create the timescaledb extension. Running the \dx timescaledb showed that timescaledb v2.11.1 was enabled. It might be a bug in hypershift

th0mk commented 12 months ago

Thanks for the extra info. I had already installed the timescaledb extension in the target database prior to running the hypershift migration.

AndreMaz commented 12 months ago

That's the strange part because I also enabled timescaledb before migration.

I called CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS timescaledb; and got this:

NOTICE: extension "timescaledb" already exists, skipping

then called \dx timescaledb and got this

                                              List of installed extensions
    Name     | Version | Schema |                                      Description                                      
 timescaledb | 2.11.1  | public | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Community Edition)

I'm not sure what's going on but something isn't right

pushpeepkmonroe commented 11 months ago

psql (12.6 (Ubuntu 12.6-1.pgdg18.04+1), server 12.15 (Ubuntu 12.15-1.pgdg18.04+1)) You are now connected to database "pushnami_stats" as user "postgres". pushnami_stats=# insert into public.hourly_delivered_new (select * from public.hourly_delivered); ERROR: invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "_materialized_hypertable_600" HINT: Make sure the TimescaleDB extension has been preloaded. pushnami_stats=# \dx List of installed extensions Name | Version | Schema | Description --------------------+---------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- pg_stat_statements | 1.7 | public | track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language timescaledb | 2.10.0 | public | Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (3 rows)

d4munche3z commented 10 months ago

I am having this issue also and pgadmin shows no inserts when I have been expecting many inserts. Am getting the following: (psycopg2.errors.FeatureNotSupported) invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "_hyper_4_228_chunk" HINT: Make sure the TimescaleDB extension has been preloaded.

AndreMaz commented 9 months ago

Just in case someone needs this. After migrating another DB I started to see the same error. Did some more reading and found this: https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb/issues/1298#issuecomment-505865516

Then checked my log messages again and found this

ERROR: invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "_hyper_1_88_chunk"

Then checked the constrains of the _timescaledb_internal._hyper_1_88_chunk and saw that it had the ts_insert_blocker, which is something that it's not supposed to have according to the comment above.

Solution: I manually removed the ts_insert_blocker and things started to work again.

Vin0uz commented 2 months ago

Just faced this, thanks for the notes even on closed issue 🤓

For those who wouldn't know, the query to execute was DROP TRIGGER ts_insert_blocker ON <name_of_your_table>;

You can run it in rails db directly

(Remember to replace <name_of_your_table> with name of the concerned table 😇)

paretl commented 4 weeks ago

Just in case someone needs this. After migrating another DB I started to see the same error. Did some more reading and found this: timescale/timescaledb#1298 (comment)

Then checked my log messages again and found this

ERROR: invalid INSERT on the root table of hypertable "_hyper_1_88_chunk"

Then checked the constrains of the _timescaledb_internal._hyper_1_88_chunk and saw that it had the ts_insert_blocker, which is something that it's not supposed to have according to the comment above.

Solution: I manually removed the ts_insert_blocker and things started to work again.

Thanks @AndreMaz , that was the issue for me as well !