timescale / timescaledb

An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
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[Bug]: NaN behavior changes in compressed tables #6884

Open jakehedlund opened 2 months ago

jakehedlund commented 2 months ago

What type of bug is this?

Incorrect result

What subsystems and features are affected?


What happened?


When data in a compressed chunk is queried for NaN values using a WHERE clause, the clause has no effect.

This is significant when running aggregate queries; for example, avg() will return NaN for an entire time bucket if just one NaN is contained therein. As a workaround, NaN values can be ignored by adding ... WHERE value <> 'NaN' ... but this only is working on uncompressed chunks.


Table DDL:

CREATE TABLE public.sensor_data (
    "time" timestamp NOT NULL,
    sensor_id int4 NOT NULL,
    value float8 NULL,
    eng_val float8 NULL,
    CONSTRAINT sens_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("time", sensor_id)

SELECT create_hypertable('sensor_data', 'time', 
    chunk_time_interval => INTERVAL '2 hours', 
    partitioning_column => 'sensor_id', 
    number_partitions => 6 

Sample data:

INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:57.000', 1, 'Nan'::double precision, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:56.000', 1, 'Nan'::double precision, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:55.000', 1, 49.99952403604293, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:54.000', 1, 49.999314612380545, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:53.000', 1, 'Inf'::double precision, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:52.000', 1, 49.99878153520547, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:51.000', 1, 49.99845788216983, NULL);
INSERT INTO public.sensor_data ("time", sensor_id, value, eng_val)
VALUES('2024-01-01 01:59:50.000', 1, 49.99809615313412, NULL);

Run the below query examples both before and after compressing the chunk, or insert more data that will fall into a different chunk.

To compress the chunk:

select compress_chunk(c, true, true) 
from show_chunks('monitor_data', 
  older_than => timestamp '2024-01-02', 
  newer_than => timestamp '2024-01-01') c; 

Query examples:

Inconsistent behavior occurs when updating into a compressed chunk: the updates succeed, but then the above example queries behave as expected. As in, they return/ignore NaN values when asked to. I'm assuming this is because TimescaleDB temporarily decompresses the chunk/slice.

I believe the root cause is due to inconsistent assumptions regarding the equality of NaN: in PostgreSQL, NaN == NaN. This can be shown by running select 'nan'::numeric = 'nan'::numeric as isnan;. However, the IEEE 754 spec indicates that NaN should NOT equal NaN (which seems to be the behavior when querying compressed chunks).

See PostgreSQL note (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/datatype-numeric.html):

IEEE 754 specifies that NaN should not compare equal to any other floating-point value (including NaN). In order to allow floating-point values to be sorted and used in tree-based indexes, PostgreSQL treats NaN values as equal, and greater than all non-NaN values.


As a workaround, the nullif() function can be used in the where clause. For example:

select *
from sensor_data 
where time between '2024-01-01' and '2024-01-02' and sensor_id = 1
and not nullif(value, 'nan') is null   -- works
-- and value <> 'nan'   -- fails
order by 1 ;

Whereas using ...and value <> 'nan' ... fails (returns NaNs when it should exclude them).

The positive (... and nullif(value, 'nan') is null behaves as expected.

Defining functions like isnan() (create or replace function isnan(double precision) returns boolean as $$ select $1 > 0 and -$1 > 0 $$ language sql; fail as well.

TimescaleDB version affected


PostgreSQL version used


What operating system did you use?

RHEL7, 64 bit

What installation method did you use?


What platform did you run on?

On prem/Self-hosted

Relevant log output and stack trace

No response

How can we reproduce the bug?

See description.
akuzm commented 2 months ago

Sorry about that, I think it's a bug in implementation of vectorized filters in TimescaleDB. I didn't realize Postgres used a different convention for NaNs. Nice workaround, there's also a more heavy-handed way to work around it by disabling the bulk decompression and therefore all vectorization with set timescaledb.enable_bulk_decompression to off.