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Qunit does not drop into debugger on certain exceptions #4

Open trentkg opened 6 years ago

trentkg commented 6 years ago


While using qunit.q I noticed that when one of my tests threw an exception, q did not go into the debugger on the proper line. Instead, it went into the debugger in qunits code, here: 25 lg:{a:string[.z.t]," ",$[type[x] in 10 -10h; x; .Q.s x],"\r\n"; l::l,enlist a; 1 a; x}; On insepection, q does not know what this global "l" variable is that we are trying to append to. When I added this line before the log definition: 24 l:(" ";" "); THEN qunit properly dropped into the debugger when my test threw an exception. I'm not sure why, I do have this flag set: .qunit.breakOnExceptions:1b;

Any ideas what the issue is? I would expect that l would have a value after runTests is called but I guess that is not the case.
