timeseries / qstudio

qStudio - Free SQL Analysis Tool
Apache License 2.0
416 stars 17 forks source link

qstudio takes 6 minutes to start up #49

Closed richb-hanover closed 3 weeks ago

richb-hanover commented 4 weeks ago

Using qStudio 3.03 on macOS 12.7.5 with Java 16.0.1, and after recovering from #47, I was able to successfully open my SQLite file (see #48).

I was able to issue both SQL and PRQL queries and receive the expected results.

I then quit from qstudio. (I don't think I chose File -> Exit; I may just have used ^C from the terminal (I used java -jar qstudio.jar to launch...)

Nonetheless, I re-executed java -jar qstudio.jar and it took over 6 minutes to start up/for the GUI to become active. Here's the terminal output. What other information could I provide? Many thanks.

√ qStudio % java -jar qstudio.jar
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader loadInstances
INFO: Searching for plugins in folder: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader visitJarFileJavaClasses
INFO: Looking for plugins inside: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs/sqlite-jdbc-
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader loadInstances
INFO: Searching for plugins in folder: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader visitJarFileJavaClasses
INFO: Looking for plugins inside: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs/sqlite-jdbc-
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader$InstanceFinderVisitor visit
INFO: Found Plugin with correct interface: org.sqlite.JDBC
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher main
SEVERE: Could not load a plugin due to Unable to make protected void java.net.URLClassLoader.addURL(java.net.URL) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.net" to unnamed module @40f9161a
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:55 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 1
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:57 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: Starting QStudioLauncher  launch() ###################################
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:57 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: System.getProperty("java.version")=16.0.1
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:57 PM com.timestored.connections.ConnectionManager reloadFromPreferences
WARNING: stored conns and current conns disagreed, using stored values
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:57 PM com.timestored.connections.ConnectionManager reloadFromPreferences
WARNING: serverConns = []
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:57 PM com.timestored.connections.ConnectionManager reloadFromPreferences
WARNING: sConns = [ServerConfig{name=sqlite:Property_In_Lyme.sqlite, username=, host=localhost, port=0, cstoreType=SQLITE_JDBC, database=jdbc:sqlite:Property_In_Lyme.sqlite}]
SLF4J(W): No SLF4J providers were found.
SLF4J(W): Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J(W): See https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders for further details.
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:57 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioFrame <init>
INFO: Starting QStudioFrame Constructor
MODELS = 126.933694
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.sqldash.model.AbstractWidget configChanged
INFO: Widget 0 configChanged
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.sqldash.model.AbstractWidget configChanged
INFO: Widget 0 configChanged
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
ENDER = 1100.000947
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.qstudio.model.AdminModel refresh
INFO: AdminModel hard Refresh
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioFrame <init>
INFO: Finished QStudioFrame Constructor
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedFolder
INFO: setSelectedFolder: /Applications/qStudio
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel setRoot
INFO: root changing
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:58 PM com.timestored.qdoc.OpenDocumentsDocSource findFiles
INFO: Searched 8 directories and found 0 matches for .q
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: Ending QStudioLauncher launch()
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 2
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 3
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.plugins.PluginLoader getCClass
INFO: Could not find class already loaded. Refreshing from folders / jars.
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: junk.prql
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: junk.prql
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 4
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel closeDocument
INFO: closeDocument: new 1
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.connections.ConnectionManager statusUpdate
INFO: sqlite:Property_In_Lyme.sqlite Connected = true
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.model.AdminModel$2 run
INFO: refreshing sqlite:Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 6
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 1
Jun 02, 2024 8:33:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:33:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:34:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:34:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:35:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:35:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:36:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:36:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:37:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:37:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:52 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:52 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:52 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: junk.prql
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:52 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 5
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:39:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:39:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:40:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:40:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:41:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:41:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:42:28 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
Jun 02, 2024 8:42:58 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver requestSave
INFO: skipping persistOpenDocuments
ryanhamilton commented 3 weeks ago
PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 6
Jun 02, 2024 8:32:59 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 1
Jun 02, 2024 8:38:52 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite

The long delay was qStudio opening Property_In_Lyme.sqlite as if it's a text file in the editor. I've now changed the bahaviour so that qStudio always opens .sqlite as a "server" / databae connection.

Thanks Rich.

richb-hanover commented 3 weeks ago

@ryanhamilton I just retrieved the 3.05 jar file, and still see the multiple-minute startup time. This occurred even after I used Server -> Remove all Servers... and then exited qStudio, then started it again with java -jar qstudio.jar.

Note: During this multi-minute period, htop tells me that java -jar qstudio.jar is using the most CPU - a significant fraction over many cores...

Here's the Log file:

√ Downloads % java -jar qstudio.jar
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader loadInstances
INFO: Searching for plugins in folder: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader visitJarFileJavaClasses
INFO: Looking for plugins inside: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs/sqlite-jdbc-
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader loadInstances
INFO: Searching for plugins in folder: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader visitJarFileJavaClasses
INFO: Looking for plugins inside: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs/sqlite-jdbc-
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader$InstanceFinderVisitor visit
INFO: Found Plugin with correct interface: org.sqlite.JDBC
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher main
SEVERE: Could not load a plugin due to Unable to make protected void java.net.URLClassLoader.addURL(java.net.URL) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.net" to unnamed module @40f9161a
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:57 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 1
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: Starting QStudioLauncher  launch() ###################################
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: version = 3.05
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: current dir = /Users/richb/Downloads/.
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: PATH = /Users/richb/.local/bin:/Applications/Tools-Developer/Racket:/Users/richb/.pyenv/shims:/Users/richb/.pyenv/bin:/Users/richb/.deno/bin:/Users/richb/.pyenv/bin:/Users/richb/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin:/Users/richb/.cargo/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Library/Apple/bin:/usr/libexec:/Applications/Tools-Developer/Racket/bin:/Users/richb/.rvm/bin
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: java.version =16.0.1
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: os.name =Mac OS X
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: user.home =/Users/richb
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: user.dir =/Users/richb/Downloads
SLF4J(W): No SLF4J providers were found.
SLF4J(W): Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J(W): See https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders for further details.
Jun 03, 2024 10:57:59 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioFrame <init>
INFO: Starting QStudioFrame Constructor
MODELS = 143.061191
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.sqldash.model.AbstractWidget configChanged
INFO: Widget 0 configChanged
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.sqldash.model.AbstractWidget configChanged
INFO: Widget 0 configChanged
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
ENDER = 1283.260751
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qstudio.model.AdminModel refresh
INFO: AdminModel hard Refresh
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioFrame <init>
INFO: Finished QStudioFrame Constructor
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedFolder
INFO: setSelectedFolder: /Applications/qStudio
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel setRoot
INFO: root changing
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qdoc.OpenDocumentsDocSource findFiles
INFO: Searched 8 directories and found 0 matches for .q
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: Ending QStudioLauncher launch()
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 2
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 3
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: junk.prql
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: junk.prql
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 4
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 5
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel closeDocument
INFO: closeDocument: new 1
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 6
Jun 03, 2024 10:58:01 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 1
Jun 03, 2024 11:04:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 03, 2024 11:04:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:04:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: junk.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:04:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 5
Jun 03, 2024 11:04:00 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 5
√ Downloads %
√ Downloads %
√ Downloads % java -jar qstudio.jar
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:09 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader loadInstances
INFO: Searching for plugins in folder: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:09 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader visitJarFileJavaClasses
INFO: Looking for plugins inside: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs/sqlite-jdbc-
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:10 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader loadInstances
INFO: Searching for plugins in folder: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:10 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader visitJarFileJavaClasses
INFO: Looking for plugins inside: /Users/richb/qstudio/libs/sqlite-jdbc-
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:10 PM com.timestored.misc.DynamicClassLoader$InstanceFinderVisitor visit
INFO: Found Plugin with correct interface: org.sqlite.JDBC
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:10 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher main
SEVERE: Could not load a plugin due to Unable to make protected void java.net.URLClassLoader.addURL(java.net.URL) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.net" to unnamed module @40f9161a
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:10 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 1
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: Starting QStudioLauncher  launch() ###################################
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: version = 3.05
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: current dir = /Users/richb/Downloads/.
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: PATH = /Users/richb/.local/bin:/Applications/Tools-Developer/Racket:/Users/richb/.pyenv/shims:/Users/richb/.pyenv/bin:/Users/richb/.deno/bin:/Users/richb/.pyenv/bin:/Users/richb/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin:/Users/richb/.cargo/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Library/Apple/bin:/usr/libexec:/Applications/Tools-Developer/Racket/bin:/Users/richb/.rvm/bin
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: java.version =16.0.1
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: os.name =Mac OS X
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: user.home =/Users/richb
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: user.dir =/Users/richb/Downloads
SLF4J(W): No SLF4J providers were found.
SLF4J(W): Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J(W): See https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders for further details.
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:12 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioFrame <init>
INFO: Starting QStudioFrame Constructor
MODELS = 145.8419
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Warning: the fonts "Times" and "Times" are not available for the Java logical font "Serif", which may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Re-enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.sqldash.model.AbstractWidget configChanged
INFO: Widget 0 configChanged
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.sqldash.model.AbstractWidget configChanged
INFO: Widget 0 configChanged
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
ENDER = 1250.106605
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qstudio.model.AdminModel refresh
INFO: AdminModel hard Refresh
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioFrame <init>
INFO: Finished QStudioFrame Constructor
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedFolder
INFO: setSelectedFolder: /Applications/qStudio
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel setRoot
INFO: root changing
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qdoc.OpenDocumentsDocSource findFiles
INFO: Searched 8 directories and found 0 matches for .q
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qstudio.QStudioLauncher$2 launch
INFO: Ending QStudioLauncher launch()
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.qstudio.servertree.ServerListPanel refreshGui
INFO: refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.swingxx.FileTreePanel refreshGui
INFO: FileTreePanel refreshGui
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 2
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 3
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.BackgroundDocumentsSaver restoreDocuments
INFO: attempting to restore existing known document
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel openDocument
INFO: openDocument: junk.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: junk.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 4
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel addDocument
INFO: addDocument: new 5
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel closeDocument
INFO: closeDocument: new 1
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:15 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 6
Jun 03, 2024 11:08:15 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 1
Jun 03, 2024 11:14:12 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Property_In_Lyme.sqlite
Jun 03, 2024 11:14:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: Non-conf_Buildings.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:14:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: junk.prql
Jun 03, 2024 11:14:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 5
Jun 03, 2024 11:14:13 PM com.timestored.docs.OpenDocumentsModel setSelectedDocument
INFO: setSelectedDocument: new 5