timflannagan / rukpak

Rukpak runs in a Kubernetes cluster and defines an API for installing cloud native bundle content
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when a BundleInstance is missing a bundle.Spec required field #46

Open github-actions[bot] opened 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago



    When("a BundleInstance targets a Bundle that contains CRDs and instances of those CRDs", func() {
        var (
            bi  *rukpakv1alpha1.BundleInstance
            ctx context.Context
        BeforeEach(func() {
            ctx = context.Background()

            By("creating the testing BI resource")
            bi = &rukpakv1alpha1.BundleInstance{
                ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                    GenerateName: "e2e-bi-crds-and-crs",
                Spec: rukpakv1alpha1.BundleInstanceSpec{
                    ProvisionerClassName: plainProvisionerID,
                    Template: &rukpakv1alpha1.BundleTemplate{
                        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                            Name: "e2e-bundle-crds-and-crs",
                        Spec: rukpakv1alpha1.BundleSpec{
                            ProvisionerClassName: plainProvisionerID,
                            Source: rukpakv1alpha1.BundleSource{
                                Type: rukpakv1alpha1.SourceTypeImage,
                                Image: &rukpakv1alpha1.ImageSource{
                                    Ref: "testdata/bundles/plain-v0:invalid-crds-and-crs",
            err := c.Create(ctx, bi)
        AfterEach(func() {
            By("deleting the testing BI resource")
            Expect(c.Delete(ctx, bi)).To(BeNil())
        It("eventually reports a failed installation state due to missing APIs on the cluster", func() {
            Eventually(func() (*metav1.Condition, error) {
                if err := c.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(bi), bi); err != nil {
                    return nil, err
                return meta.FindStatusCondition(bi.Status.Conditions, rukpakv1alpha1.TypeInstalled), nil
                WithTransform(func(c *metav1.Condition) string { return c.Type }, Equal(rukpakv1alpha1.TypeInstalled)),
                WithTransform(func(c *metav1.Condition) metav1.ConditionStatus { return c.Status }, Equal(metav1.ConditionFalse)),
                WithTransform(func(c *metav1.Condition) string { return c.Reason }, Equal(rukpakv1alpha1.ReasonInstallFailed)),
                WithTransform(func(c *metav1.Condition) string { return c.Message }, ContainSubstring(`no matches for kind "CatalogSource" in version "operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1"`)),

    // TODO: when a BundleInstance is missing a bundle.Spec required field
    PWhen("a BundleInstance is pivoted between Bundles that share a CRD", func() {
        var (
            ctx            context.Context
            originalBundle *rukpakv1alpha1.Bundle
            pivotedBundle  *rukpakv1alpha1.Bundle
            bi             *rukpakv1alpha1.BundleInstance
        BeforeEach(func() {
            ctx = context.Background()

            By("creating the original testing Bundle resource")
            originalBundle = &rukpakv1alpha1.Bundle{
                ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                    GenerateName: "e2e-original-bundle-crd-pivoting",
                Spec: rukpakv1alpha1.BundleSpec{
                    ProvisionerClassName: plainProvisionerID,
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has become stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. The maintainers of this repo will remove this label during issue triage or it will be removed automatically after an update. Adding the lifecycle/frozen label will cause this issue to ignore lifecycle events.