timfreilly / unlucky-at-python

A python game I occasionally work on
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Dialog/description system #8

Open timfreilly opened 12 years ago

timfreilly commented 12 years ago

The NPCs could use better flavor and perhaps some dialog. I imagine things getting pretty funny. It could use some of the data present in the game to change things around to make the lines a bit dynamic and not just random.

This dialog/description system has some funny possibilities. I wonder what the language synthesis system would be like. Perhaps it takes in a few factors, like aggression or fear, and spits out one of several appropriate words. I am a bit concerned about building too much useless stuff, though funny dialog never hurt anyone.

This feature may be a bit too far-reaching for now. Some of the things mentioned in the original brainstorm would probably require a more general approach to character state. Right now, besides the adjectives in descState, there aren't many things that provide this sort of information.

That said, there are some potential features to think about. The character's current mood could come from morale. One issue to consider would be the threshold that an actor passes to then yell something out as dialog.

This does also point towards an event-driven system for things. I wonder how that sort of system would be created. Would it be similar to the flags I use now?

I could, at least, add a few dialog shouts to the scenarios for some flavor. The event system would make this pretty easy, though it would make sense to at least add some sort of method to Battle to support broadcasts/dialog.