timgit / pg-boss

Queueing jobs in Postgres from Node.js like a boss
MIT License
2.04k stars 157 forks source link

production ready and dashboard #224

Closed lludol closed 3 years ago

lludol commented 3 years ago


I am normally using "Bull" on my projects for my clients. I had some problem on some featurea and I want to give a try on this pg-boss for a new client.

First of all, is it production ready? I saw the coverage is 100% but is someone using this in production? (could be amazing to put in Readme some projets / companies using it)

Second of all, do you have a dashboard to manage and see an overview about your currents "jobs"? For Bull I am using taskforce (https://github.com/OptimalBits/bull#uis), I was wondering if there is something similar for pg-boss or if it's on the roadmap?

Thank you.

timgit commented 3 years ago

Hey there. Infocyte has been using this in production for 5 years, and there are several others I've been in contact with, but I don't have their names available for publishing.

There's not an included UI, which would require hosting a web server, as this package is the minimal runtime for background processing only. There is a monitoring event you can add a listener to on an instance to show summary queue sizes and their states if that helps. You may be able to combine this data with something like Grafana, which would likely be a much more rewarding experience than something I would build. ;)

lludol commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer, I will check everything