Closed brian-xu-vlt closed 1 month ago
Hello! I am facing an issue with the duplicate key value violates unique constraint "queue_pkey" error in my db logs, at each deployment (=> call start on pg-boss client, creating __pgboss__send-it)
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "queue_pkey"
2024-09-05 17:21:16 2024-09-05 15:21:16.520 UTC [5248] CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO pgboss.queue ( 2024-09-05 17:21:16 name, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 policy, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 retry_limit, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 retry_delay, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 retry_backoff, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 expire_seconds, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 retention_minutes, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 dead_letter, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 partition_name 2024-09-05 17:21:16 ) 2024-09-05 17:21:16 VALUES ( 2024-09-05 17:21:16 queue_name, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 options->>'policy', 2024-09-05 17:21:16 (options->>'retryLimit')::int, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 (options->>'retryDelay')::int, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 (options->>'retryBackoff')::bool, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 (options->>'expireInSeconds')::int, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 (options->>'retentionMinutes')::int, 2024-09-05 17:21:16 options->>'deadLetter', 2024-09-05 17:21:16 table_name 2024-09-05 17:21:16 )" 2024-09-05 17:21:16 PL/pgSQL function pgboss.create_queue(text,json) line 6 at SQL statement 2024-09-05 17:21:16 2024-09-05 15:21:16.520 UTC [5248] STATEMENT: SELECT pgboss.create_queue($1, $2) 2024-09-05 17:21:28 2024-09-05 15:21:28.888 UTC [5253] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "queue_pkey" 2024-09-05 17:21:28 2024-09-05 15:21:28.888 UTC [5253] DETAIL: Key (name)=(__pgboss__send-it) already exists.
→ Looking into the SQL functions for this database, I see the create_queue with:
DECLARE table_name varchar := 'j' || encode(sha224(queue_name::bytea), 'hex'); BEGIN INSERT INTO pgboss.queue ( name, policy, retry_limit, retry_delay, retry_backoff, expire_seconds, retention_minutes, dead_letter, partition_name ) VALUES ( queue_name, options->>'policy', (options->>'retryLimit')::int, (options->>'retryDelay')::int, (options->>'retryBackoff')::bool, (options->>'expireInSeconds')::int, (options->>'retentionMinutes')::int, options->>'deadLetter', table_name ); EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE pgboss.%I (LIKE pgboss.job INCLUDING DEFAULTS)', table_name); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE pgboss.%1$I ADD PRIMARY KEY (name, id)', table_name); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE pgboss.%1$I ADD CONSTRAINT q_fkey FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES pgboss.queue (name) ON DELETE RESTRICT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED', table_name); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE pgboss.%1$I ADD CONSTRAINT dlq_fkey FOREIGN KEY (dead_letter) REFERENCES pgboss.queue (name) ON DELETE RESTRICT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED', table_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %1$s_i1 ON pgboss.%1$I (name, COALESCE(singleton_key, '''')) WHERE state = ''created'' AND policy = ''short'';', table_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %1$s_i2 ON pgboss.%1$I (name, COALESCE(singleton_key, '''')) WHERE state = ''active'' AND policy = ''singleton''', table_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %1$s_i3 ON pgboss.%1$I (name, state, COALESCE(singleton_key, '''')) WHERE state <= ''active'' AND policy = ''stately''', table_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %1$s_i4 ON pgboss.%1$I (name, singleton_on, COALESCE(singleton_key, '''')) WHERE state <> ''cancelled'' AND singleton_on IS NOT NULL', table_name); EXECUTE format('CREATE INDEX %1$s_i5 ON pgboss.%1$I (name, start_after) INCLUDE (priority, created_on, id) WHERE state < ''active''', table_name); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE pgboss.%I ADD CONSTRAINT cjc CHECK (name=%L)', table_name, queue_name); EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE pgboss.job ATTACH PARTITION pgboss.%I FOR VALUES IN (%L)', table_name, queue_name); END;
This does is not expected as I am running 10.1.1 which contains a change to avoid throwing on existing queue (from
Is there an action to take in order to migrate the SQL functions when bumping to new versions? Should I be dropping the pg-boss schema each time I do?
This was an oversight on my part
Fixed in 10.1.5
Hello! I am facing an issue with the
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "queue_pkey"
error in my db logs, at each deployment (=> callstart
on pg-boss client, creating__pgboss__send-it
)→ Looking into the SQL functions for this database, I see the
with:This does is not expected as I am running
which contains a change to avoid throwing on existing queue (from there an action to take in order to migrate the SQL functions when bumping to new versions? Should I be dropping the pg-boss schema each time I do?