Open OyugoObonyo opened 1 month ago
Update: I've since been able to delete the queue by first deleting all the queue's jobs before deleting the queue itself. I've now tried setting up a queue with the same name and it has very unpredictable behaviour: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. On times it doesn't work, I get the error like so:
error: relation "je95d8092e95eab390e11d733b07e00753bff292667445dbb4f0fe298" already exists
I've tried manually deleting all the referenced partitions like so:
DELETE FROM pg_inherits
USING pg_class parent, pg_class child
WHERE pg_inherits.inhparent = parent.oid
AND pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid
AND parent.relname = 'job'
AND child.relname <> 'j3f168501ed9816b51a9f5765e0742e1eb034ab6bf72c9ae3f3a975e3';
I've been able to successfully delete the partitions but somehow the relation already exists error keeps on showing up when I try creating a queue with the same name to one that I already deleted?
2 questions @timgit : 1) How can I rectify this behaviour? 2) Is there a more graceful way to handle queue deletions?
There is a test in the suite that does exactly this. It deletes and re-creates a queue. Was this perhaps a unique failure use case?
Update: Must've been an issue on my side because I tried creating queues concurrently:
private async persistDefinedQueues(definedQueues: Queue[]): Promise<void> {
try {
const storedQueues = await this.pgBoss.getQueues();
const storedQueuesNames = new Set( =>,
const createQueuePromises = definedQueues
.filter((definedQueue) => !storedQueuesNames.has(
.map((definedQueue) => {
const { name, options } = definedQueue;
console.log(`Creating queue with name: ${name}`);
return this.pgBoss.createQueue(name, options as PgBoss.Queue);
console.log('CREATED QUEUE PROMISES:: ', createQueuePromises);
await Promise.all(createQueuePromises);
A refactor to a more one-by-one queue creation seems to have resolve the issue:
private async persistDefinedQueues(definedQueues: Queue[]): Promise<void> {
try {
const persistedQueues = await this.pgBoss.getQueues();
const persistedQueuesNames = new Set( =>,
const unpersistedQueues = definedQueues.filter(
(definedQueue) => !persistedQueuesNames.has(,
for (const queue of unpersistedQueues) {
const { name, options } = queue;
await this.pgBoss.createQueue(name, options as PgBoss.Queue);
Anywhere in the docs I can find situations in which i might run into a deadlock error?
I am using pgBoss v10 on node version 22 and postgresql 16. I have tried deleting a queue existing in my DB by invoking the .deleteQueue("myQueueName") method. However, the queue isn't being deleted and I get this error:
Am I strictly limited to manually deleting queues from my DB instead of invoking the deleteQueue API?