Open tkambler opened 1 week ago
From what I gather, here is what's happening:
SET LOCAL statement_timeout = '30s';
SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(
('x' || md5(current_database() || '.pgboss.pgboss'))::bit(64)::bigint
WITH results AS (
UPDATE pgboss.job
SET state = CASE
WHEN retryCount < retryLimit THEN 'retry'::pgboss.job_state
ELSE 'expired'::pgboss.job_state
completedOn = CASE
WHEN retryCount < retryLimit
ELSE now()
startAfter = CASE
WHEN retryCount = retryLimit THEN startAfter
WHEN NOT retryBackoff THEN now() + retryDelay * interval '1'
ELSE now() +
retryDelay * 2 ^ LEAST(16, retryCount + 1) / 2
retryDelay * 2 ^ LEAST(16, retryCount + 1) / 2 * random()
* interval '1'
WHERE state = 'active'
AND (startedOn + expireIn) < now()
INSERT INTO pgboss.job (name, data, keepUntil)
'__state__completed__' || name,
'request', jsonb_build_object('id', id, 'name', name, 'data', data),
'response', null,
'state', state,
'retryCount', retryCount,
'createdOn', createdOn,
'startedOn', startedOn,
'completedOn', completedOn,
'failed', CASE WHEN state = 'completed' THEN false ELSE true END
keepUntil + (keepUntil - startAfter)
FROM results
WHERE state = 'expired'
AND NOT name LIKE '__state__completed__%'
AND on_complete
This results in the following SQL error:
"message": "duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"job_singleton_queue\"",
"name": "error",
"stack": "error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"job_singleton_queue\"\n at /app/node_modules/pg/node_modules/pg-pool/index.js:45:11\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at Db.executeSql (/app/node_modules/pg-boss/src/db.js:28:14)\n at Boss.executeSql (/app/node_modules/pg-boss/src/boss.js:249:14)\n at Boss.expire (/app/node_modules/pg-boss/src/boss.js:216:5)\n at Boss.onMaintenance (/app/node_modules/pg-boss/src/boss.js:132:7)\n at resolveWithinSeconds (/app/node_modules/pg-boss/src/manager.js:35:14)\n at /app/node_modules/pg-boss/node_modules/p-map/index.js:57:22",
"code": "23505"
The reason being that this violates the following constraint:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS job_singleton_queue ON pgboss.job (name, singletonKey) WHERE state < 'active' AND singletonOn IS NULL AND singletonKey LIKE '\_\_pgboss\_\_singleton\_queue%';
In other words, it can't assign retry
status to the job because more than two jobs in a singleton queue cannot exist that have state < active
(i.e. created, retry
Have we done something wrong to surface this problem, or is this a bug inherent in the implementation?
Could you help me understand what could possibly be causing this error to be emitted by PGBoss?