timja / jenkins-gh-issues-poc-06-18

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[JENKINS-15120] Minimize round trips for slave class loading #2545

Closed timja closed 11 years ago

timja commented 11 years ago

Currently each attempt to load a class in a remote JVM makes a round-trip request to the master, which over a laggy network can make class loading quite slow, thus adding considerable overhead to the first build on a new slave.

Two possible solutions have been put forward.

Optimistic prefetch

The idea: when sending a class file to be loaded, scan its bytecode for other statically linked classes which have not yet been loaded, and send those along as well. In the common case that a network of classes is loaded around the same time, this would avoid some round trips.


The first part is for one side to keep track of what classes the other side has already loaded (into which class loader), which is basically memorizing the response from IClassLoader.fetch2.

The second part is to add Collection IClassLoader.fetch3 that works like fetch2, except it will also parse the class, figure out some of the referenced classes that are not yet loaded by the other side, then send them along.

Those prefetched class files would need to be remembered by RemoteClassLoader so that when those are actually requested it can load a class in the right classloader without calling back RemoteClassLoader.proxy. (Assuming there are no side effects, it could also eagerly call RemoteClassLoader.loadClassFile on the prefetched classes.)

The remoting layer supports talking to an earlier version of the remoting layer. We do this by a bitmask in Capability, so this needs one more bit defined there. There is no point in tracking the classes the other side has loaded if the other side will never call fetch3.

Bulk transfer

Send entire JAR files at a time, rather than individual classes; can wind up transferring more than is needed, but the reduction in latency is probably worth it. Since arbitrary class loader graphs might be in use, not just a flat classpath, some custom code needs to be run remotely which will implement the class loader delegation model without hitting the network for each class.


An API sketch:

class Channel {
  void setClassLoaderTrafficCop(TrafficCop cop);
interface TrafficCop {
  /** do I know/control/own this classloader? */
  boolean controls(ClassLoader cl);
  Set getJarFilesOf(ClassLoader cl);
  RemotePartOfTrafficCop getRemotePart();
class JarFile {
  String checksum();
  InputStream data();
/** runs in remote agent */
interface RemotePartOfTrafficCop implements Serializable {
  /** given a class/resource and an originating loader, what is the defining loader? */
  RemoteClassLoader trafficControl(RemoteClassLoader origin, String resourceName);

Originally reported by jglick, imported from: Minimize round trips for slave class loading
  • assignee: kohsuke
  • status: Resolved
  • priority: Major
  • resolution: Fixed
  • resolved: 2013-06-25T22:26:05+00:00
  • imported: 2022/01/10
timja commented 11 years ago


Can add a dependency from remoting on ASM via http://kohsuke.org/2012/03/03/potd-package-renamed-asm/ if needed for prefetch.

timja commented 11 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Jesse Glick
JENKINS-15120 Kohsuke’s explanation of why preloadJar does not really help.

timja commented 11 years ago



timja commented 11 years ago


https://github.com/jenkinsci/mock-slave-plugin useful for testing impact on performance more controllably than simply connecting to some node in the cloud.

timja commented 11 years ago


remoting #37248f1 also suggests using

sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem delay 100ms

to simulate a laggy network.

timja commented 11 years ago


Using mock-slave with 10ms latency and building a multimodule Maven project in current trunk I get

Loading Type Time (s) Count
Classes 223.8 2993
Resources 2.7 23

With prefetch-JENKINS-15120 from Jenkins core checked out (which pulls in a branch of the same name from remoting), this was

Loading Type Time (s) Count
Classes 165.5 3361 (prefetch cache: 1651)
Resources 2.3 26

though timing is not exactly comparable since the branch currently enables rather verbose logging which slows down the connection.

timja commented 11 years ago


Retesting with svn up for both builds (originally the first used co), and with verbose logging turned off in the branch. Trunk builds takes 6:02 min (of which the Maven build itself was 1:26):

Loading Type Time (s) Count
Classes 243.2 3320
Resources 2.6 26

I tried to run the branch build again but this time it failed with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space (on the master) which is disconcerting; did the branch introduce some kind of class loader leak?

I retried it, this time succeeding in 4:10 (Maven build 1:06):

Loading Type Time (s) Count
Classes 141.0 3323 (prefetch cache: 1633)
Resources 2.2 26

So that is a 31% reduction in build time, which I would say is pretty good.

BTW using https://svn.codehaus.org/mojo/trunk/mojo/nbm-maven as the test project, more or less arbitrarily. Intentionally using a native Maven project since that puts far more load on the remoting layer than a freestyle project.

timja commented 11 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/b1f5d28f90ca...f7330d7a158e

timja commented 11 years ago


Integrated in jenkins_main_trunk #2582
[FIXED JENKINS-15120] (Revision f7330d7a158eff6705706b1f812993a9b918c351)

kohsuke : f7330d7a158eff6705706b1f812993a9b918c351
Files :

timja commented 11 years ago


Also: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/compare/f7330d7a158eff6705706b1f812993a9b918c351...cabbe941c73a0db63e59492ff2e3722c41b239f0

timja commented 11 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Modified to produce a jar file instead of WEB-INF/classes

Because of the prefetching change in remoting (see JENKINS-15120), it
is desirable now to produce class files in a jar file, not in a classes
directory, so that slaves can prefetch them and cache them efficiently.

Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/maven-hpi-plugin/compare/4d27f2880fa5...603535119122

timja commented 11 years ago


Would this work affect freestyle projects using ant / nant / batch builds?

timja commented 11 years ago


Would this work affect freestyle projects using ant / nant / batch builds?

Some, though not as much as for Maven projects. Depends on the plugins in use during the build, particularly how large their transitive dependencies are.

timja commented 11 years ago


Seems that this new feature breaks class loading of the findbugs plug-in, see JENKINS-18405 and JENKINS-18394 for details...

timja commented 11 years ago


Maybe also the cause of JENKINS-18401

timja commented 11 years ago


Reopening this issue since it breaks class loading of findbugs plug-in and maven jobs. I can reproduce that issue on my machine, is there anything I can add in my plug-in to prevent these incompatible class exceptions?

timja commented 11 years ago


Process wise, let's leave this bug closed. Instead, if you come across bugs that appear to be related, please link them.

timja commented 11 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Kohsuke Kawaguchi

This fixes the 'Unknown url shema' error in the FindBugs plugin.

Before JENKINS-15120, we used to faithfully recreate the expected
resource path in a temporary resource file. For some reasons, we lost
that. This change brings it back by recreting the directory structure.

Note that this change doesn't address
"java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class" error
reported also in JENKINS-18405. That is still under investigation.

timja commented 11 years ago


This also affects plugins written in JRuby. I created the issue of ruby plugins as JENKINS-18528

timja commented 10 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Nicolas De Loof
due to JENKINS-15120 relative path isn't supported anymore by st:include

timja commented 10 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Francis Upton
Merge pull request #62 from ndeloof/master

due to JENKINS-15120 relative path isn't supported anymore by st:include

Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/ec2-plugin/compare/6a374e309c22...8d5be49e298d

timja commented 10 years ago


Code changed in jenkins
User: Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Originally-Committed-As: f7330d7a158eff6705706b1f812993a9b918c351

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18394]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18401]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18405]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18533]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-16261]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18459]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18836]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18525]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-18528]