timja / jenkins-gh-issues-poc-06-18

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[JENKINS-5007] Provide printable or printer-friendly version of pages by hiding header, footer, and side panel #341

Open timja opened 14 years ago

timja commented 14 years ago

For creating project reports (especially for people we do not want to give access to our Hudson server), it would be useful to provide a printable or printer-friendly version of each page that shows job details. This printable version should only display the main panel with information about the job without the links and build history in the header, footer, or side panel. Then I can print it cleanly through my browser, either directly or to PDF.

Originally reported by schtefan, imported from: Provide printable or printer-friendly version of pages by hiding header, footer, and side panel
  • status: Open
  • priority: Minor
  • resolution: Unresolved
  • imported: 2022/01/10
timja commented 14 years ago


A possible solution: extending the central CSS file "style.css" by a media dependent rule that hides all classes except the main-panel for printing:

@media print

{ display:none; }


{ display:none; }


{ display:none; }


{ display:none; }


{ display:none; }


{ display:none; }


{ display:table; }
