Just encountered sporadic "No space left on device" errors in the Puppet reports for our Jenkins master. It turned out that /tmp was polluted with over 8000 files of the form "+~JF*.tmp" owned by the user running Jenkins:
-rw------- 1 jenkins jenkins 240456 Dec 13 11:18 +~JF9196768992512109284.tmp
I deleted them to free space, but it continues to write new ones at fast pace (again 2640 files while I'm writing this).
Just encountered sporadic "No space left on device" errors in the Puppet reports for our Jenkins master. It turned out that /tmp was polluted with over 8000 files of the form "+~JF*.tmp" owned by the user running Jenkins:
I deleted them to free space, but it continues to write new ones at fast pace (again 2640 files while I'm writing this).
Originally reported by dhs, imported from: Jenkins polluting /tmp with thousands of TrueType font files