timja / jenkins-gh-issues-poc-06-18

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[JENKINS-27616] Installing JDK on Windows Slaves deletes existing Java installation and reboots Slave #7083

Open timja opened 9 years ago

timja commented 9 years ago

First of all, I know there are other tickets dealing with the same issue, but they seem to have been fixed in the latest Jenkins version. But in my case, the issue still remains...

I've first created a Windows Slave Service with the slave-agent.jnlp. After this step, the master could succesfully connect to the Windows Slave. Windows Slave is also a Windows Server 2008 R2.

To install the slave as a service, I had to install Java Jre. Did the installation in C:\jenkins_opt\Java\jre1.8.0_40. The Windows Slave Service directory is C:\jenkins_slave.

Then I launched a Jenkins project on the Slave Node. Jenkins first tries to install a Java jdk in the tools directory. For some reason this doesn't seem to work. What happens is that the installation in C:\jenkins_opt\Java\jre1.8.0_40 is deleted and the Windows Slave is rebooted.

After restart, Java installation in C:\jenkins_opt\Java\jre1.8.0_40 is gone and no installation of Java Jdk is done in C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40.

The install...log file in C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK is empty.


Console output of Master Jenkins project:

00:00:00.006 Started by user Lieven Cardoen
00:00:00.008 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
00:00:23.581 Installing C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40\jdk.exe
00:00:23.916 [JDK8u40] $ C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40\jdk.exe /s ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature" REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR=C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40 /L C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\install3674831485415202650log
00:00:36.081 Failed to install JDK. Exit code=-1
00:00:36.110 ERROR: SEVERE ERROR occurs
00:00:36.111 org.jenkinsci.lib.envinject.EnvInjectException: hudson.AbortException
00:00:36.111 at org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.service.EnvInjectVariableGetter.getBuildVariables(EnvInjectVariableGetter.java:91)
00:00:36.111 at org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectListener.setUpEnvironmentWithoutJobPropertyObject(EnvInjectListener.java:231)
00:00:36.111 at org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectListener.setUpEnvironment(EnvInjectListener.java:46)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.createLauncher(AbstractBuild.java:574)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:494)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1751)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:89)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:240)
00:00:36.111 Caused by: hudson.AbortException
00:00:36.111 at hudson.tools.JDKInstaller.install(JDKInstaller.java:279)
00:00:36.111 at hudson.tools.JDKInstaller.performInstallation(JDKInstaller.java:141)
00:00:36.112 at hudson.tools.InstallerTranslator.getToolHome(InstallerTranslator.java:68)
00:00:36.112 at hudson.tools.ToolLocationNodeProperty.getToolHome(ToolLocationNodeProperty.java:107)
00:00:36.112 at hudson.tools.ToolInstallation.translateFor(ToolInstallation.java:205)
00:00:36.112 at hudson.model.JDK.forNode(JDK.java:130)
00:00:36.112 at org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.service.EnvInjectVariableGetter.getBuildVariables(EnvInjectVariableGetter.java:86)
00:00:36.112 ... 8 more
00:00:36.112 Deleting project workspace...
00:00:36.116 Notifying upstream projects of job completion
00:00:36.116 Finished: FAILURE


To get my Slave up and running again, I need to re-install the JRE again (because Jenkins wiped it) and restart the Windows Service. Triggering the Jenkins Job will wip the JRE again and reboot the Windows Slave.

On one of the Windows Slave, after trying a couple of times, suddenly it did work. But I have no idea why in that case it worked. Manually installing the jdk in the tools directory does work. If after installing it manually I trigger the Jenkins project again, then I tries to install the JDK again, and now it does work...

Now in the C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40 there's a .installedByHudson file.

Maybe that the manual install changed a JAVA_HOME environment variable?


Console output Master of the succeeded build:

00:00:00.006 Started by user Lieven Cardoen
00:00:00.009 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
00:00:13.086 Installing C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40\jdk.exe
00:00:18.730 [JDK8u40] $ C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40\jdk.exe /s ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature" REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR=C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40 /L C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\install7252311317026251390log
00:00:52.494 Building remotely on SRV-DEV-GPRO-HYP in workspace C:\jenkins_slave\workspace\SRV-DEV-GPRO-HYP-DEPLOY
00:00:52.495 Deleting project workspace... Cloning the remote Git repository
00:00:57.031 remote: Counting objects
00:00:57.147 remote: Finding sources
00:00:57.468 remote: Getting sizes
00:00:57.648 Receiving objects
00:01:04.024 Resolving deltas
00:01:07.916 Updating references
00:01:09.244 Checking out Revision 3b887542dc56ae039098da9648f0839ebecf37d6 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
00:01:20.734 First time build. Skipping changelog.
00:01:22.188 Deleting project workspace...
00:01:22.225 done
00:01:22.227 Notifying upstream projects of job completion
00:01:22.228 Finished: SUCCESS

The log file seems to have vanished... install7252311317026251390log is nowhere to be found.

If you need more log files, information, ... please let me know. I can reproduce this every single time on multiple Windows Slaves.

Kind regards, Lieven Cardoen

Originally reported by lievencardoen, imported from: Installing JDK on Windows Slaves deletes existing Java installation and reboots Slave
  • assignee: gbois
  • status: Open
  • priority: Blocker
  • resolution: Unresolved
  • imported: 2022/01/10
timja commented 9 years ago


Does the issue also appear when you disable the Env-Inject plugin?

timja commented 9 years ago


No, issue doe not appear when I disable the Env-Inject plugin... But I do use that plugin, so what are the next steps? Strange that the plugin messes up core functionality...

Kind regards, Lieven Cardoen

timja commented 9 years ago


Adding env-inject component.

If you could test whether this issue occurs on Jenkins 1.599, that would be helpful. 1.600 included a change to environment variable handling that is believed to have been fixed, but confirmation would be helpful.

timja commented 9 years ago


The issue also occurred on a version previous to 1.599, but I can't say which one it was. I'm certain it was a 1.59x version.

Now I'm on 1.606.

timja commented 9 years ago


I'm also seeing this same issue. I'm using version 1.596.2 of Jenkins with version 1.91.1 of the Env-Inject plugin.

timja commented 9 years ago


I observed this with 1.614 and 1.617.

timja commented 7 years ago


Using your log as example:

$ C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40\jdk.exe /s ADDLOCAL="ToolsFeature" REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR=C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u40 /L C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\install3674831485415202650log

Jenkins installs JDK in Windows Slaves using Oracle windows installer in /tools/hudson.model.JDK (that jdk.exe is actually Windows Installer)

Windows only allows ONE installation of each program version, i.e. if you have "Java SE 8u40" installed in your "C:\jenkins_opt\Java\" any try to install AGAIN same "Java SE 8u40" from Jenkins will fail because windows installer can't install it again under /tools/hudson.model.JDK

In your case you can configure a different JDK Installer version to use with your job, f.e. 8u45 . In that way windows installer won't detect a clash and Jenkins will install it under your C:\jenkins_slave\tools\hudson.model.JDK\JDK8u45