timja / jenkins-gh-issues-poc-06-18

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[JENKINS-7518] CLONE -Crumb breaks ajax request behind proxies. -- Still broken behind nginx proxies #967

Closed timja closed 10 years ago

timja commented 14 years ago

Hudson: 1.310-SNAPSHOT (svn trunk)

I checked "Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits", then ajax request like
ajaxBuildQueue returned "HTTP/1.1 430 Forbidden".

I use Hudson installation behind some proxies.

In hudson.security.csrf.DefaultCrumbIssuer L58, "Request#getRemoteAddr()" is
used to update MessageDigest. but it will return diffrent IP behind proxies each

Originally reported by cap10morgan, imported from: CLONE -Crumb breaks ajax request behind proxies. -- Still broken behind nginx proxies
  • assignee: dty
  • status: Resolved
  • priority: Major
  • resolution: Duplicate
  • resolved: 2014-05-18T19:53:04+00:00
  • imported: 2022/01/10
timja commented 14 years ago


It looks like you've cloned this issue from JENKINS-3854, but you've failed to include what version of Hudson you're seeing this with. As mentioned in the other issue, Hudson 1.313 included a fix for the original report.

timja commented 14 years ago


I didn't immediately see any way to edit / comment on the cloned issue. Sorry.

This was on version 1.377, the latest version of Hudson as of 9/20/2010.

All ajax requests get a 403 response. When I turn off the cross-site request forgery feature, they work again.

timja commented 13 years ago


Code changed in hudson
User: : dty
JENKINS-7518 Add an option to allow exclusion of HTTP client information from
the crumb calculation. This can be enabled for users who sit behind a proxy
that strips this information off, resulting in crumbs varying across requests.

timja commented 13 years ago


Integrated in hudson_main_trunk #314

timja commented 13 years ago


I added an option to the configuration UI to allow certain aspects of the crumb algorithm to be turned off. This was released in 1.380. Go to Manage Hudson | Configure System and, when you enable CSRF protection, you'll see a new checkbox underneath the Default Crumb Issuer, labeled "Proxy compatibility". Check this and try it again from your proxy.

timja commented 13 years ago


I'm still seeing the behavior described here, even in 1.420, that is:

I'm behind nginx-1.0.4

are you sure this was fixed?

timja commented 12 years ago


nginx by default disallows some characters in header names that the HTTP specification allows: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#ignore_invalid_headers
'.' is one of them, so the .crumb header gets filtered out.

This can be turned off as per the linked page - worth noting in documentation (in crumb issuer configuration help?).
But maybe switching to a more compatible header (x-jenkins-crumb?) would be a safer choice?

timja commented 11 years ago


I agree with the comment about switching to a more compatible header like "x-jenkins-crumb".

timja commented 11 years ago


+1, this effects everyone who uses reverse proxy services such as CloudFlare, as they're using nginx, with default settings.

timja commented 10 years ago


Careful and see DefaultCrumbIssuerTest.testApiXml; there are subtle security issues surrounding crumb names that could potentially be interpreted as JavaScript identifiers (or otherwise the start of a legal JavaScript statement).

timja commented 10 years ago


This duplicates JENKINS-12875, which also discusses nginx reverse proxies.

As the number of watchers there is greater, marking this one as resolved.

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-12875]

timja commented 2 years ago

[Originally related to: JENKINS-3854]