timkahlke / BASTA

Basic Sequence Taxonomy Annotator
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 13 forks source link

basta taxonomy problem: a loop of re-downloading - md5 sum mismatching #45

Open dejsha opened 5 months ago

dejsha commented 5 months ago

Hi, could you please help me with basta taxonomy problem? The taxdump.tar.gz gets downloaded but the md5 sum does not match so the file is re-downloaded... resulting in a never-ending loop of re-downloading and md5 sum mismatching... I dont know if the problem is with me or with NCBI.
I would appreciate any advice on that. With best regards, Dasa

timkahlke commented 4 months ago


Sorry but I don't think I can help there. It's very likely that it's not a BASTA issue but a connection issue on your end. Do you have access to another connection maybe? Apologies that I'm not of more help here.