timker / SearchCenter

google chrome extension for searching web sites
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Search query should be copied from omnibox when opening panel #4

Open DimkaDim opened 5 years ago

DimkaDim commented 5 years ago

I usually enter search query into omnibox, and only after that decide that it is better to search on specific site instead of in Google. So, when the search query is already entered in omnibox, when I open Search Center's panel, that search query should be automatically copied into Search Center's search field (see screenshot).

I know that there is no API to read search query from omnibox, so I asked Chrome developers to implement it. They declined, but suggested using chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest to intercept the typed queries when they're transmitted by predictive search, and guess/find/decode the query parameter.


I'm not a web developer though. It would be great if someone implemented this. This feature is so important that without it, in my opinion, the entire extension is pretty useless. But with it, it will be great. 2019-01-22_04-50-24