timknut / geno_imputation

Documentation and code base for the Geno/Roslin imputation project
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sample_id ID issue Nordic files #13

Closed Unoqualsiasi closed 7 years ago

Unoqualsiasi commented 7 years ago

All the Nordic files present this issue in the metadata necessary to convert the sample_id into ID (in order to provide a link with the pedigree for the imputation).


sample_id RDCDNKM000001010000963 ID 1.057E9

Someone here messed with column attributes in some editing step

This could be a big problem because we don't know what program they used (we can have a precision problem if we try to convert them back)....any ideas? Paolo

Unoqualsiasi commented 7 years ago


The problem is only in the file ped_id_Nordic_54k_2012_ed1.txt and the problematic animals are 557

The point is that a lot of them are repeated and i don't even know if they are real repetitions (maybe they could be errors due to editing mess????)....i was thinking to remove them, what do you think?


I removed them lol