timmaffett / material_symbols_icons

Complete Flutter support for google's Material DesignMaterial Symbols Icons
Apache License 2.0
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Missing Icons: contextual_token, contextual_token_add #26

Closed AkanshDivker closed 2 weeks ago

AkanshDivker commented 2 weeks ago

These icons are available for viewing in Google Fonts but not available in the package. Would appreciate if they could be added!

timmaffett commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @AkanshDivker . These fonts are missing from the official ttf variable fonts that are used to create the package. I have filed an issue https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/issues/1719 to get to the bottom of why they are missing.

There had been some problems in the automated pipeline that creates these fonts and I thought it was all resolved, but obviously there are some icons that are still being missed. It may be that they are just really new icons and that with Google I/O this today/week they have not been pushed out yet.

timmaffett commented 2 weeks ago

@AkanshDivker The official repo has been updated and I have just pushed a new version to pub.dev The only new icons were contextual_token and contextual_token_add and they are now be available in 4.2744.0

Thanks for the report!