timmchugh11 / Chinese-Diesel-Heater---ESPHome

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Great! More info please? #1

Open deanfourie1 opened 8 months ago

deanfourie1 commented 8 months ago

Hi, awesome to see this!

Can you please provide more info such as a wiring diagram, ESPhome code, supported heaters etc.


timmchugh11 commented 8 months ago

I have tapped into the blue signal wire that goes from the diesel heater to the controller, this is wired into GPIO4, as long as the esp device and heater have the same 0v, communication should work just fine.

The ESPHome code is in the .yaml file.

Supported heaters are a mindfield now. Ray Jones has an extensive guide on what heaters are supported, as this is based on his work, the same heaters are compatible. See the link below.


Monacoslo commented 7 months ago

If I understand correctly I can use ESP32 for example and just connect it to blue wire of the controller (I have same model as in compatibility document), copy the code to esphome and it should work. Groundshould be the same as for controller but for power source I need step down from 12v -> 5v.

Did I miss something?

deanfourie1 commented 7 months ago

If I understand correctly I can use ESP32 for example and just connect it to blue wire of the controller (I have same model as in compatibility document), copy the code to esphome and it should work. Groundshould be the same as for controller but for power source I need step down from 12v -> 5v.

Did I miss something?

As far as I understand, you can use anything as your 5v source as long as you have a negative reference between your two supplies.

twanjaarsveld commented 7 months ago

A esp D1 (not the mini) has a 12v input so I think this will be awesome for this project

twanjaarsveld commented 7 months ago

Will this be able to control the heater or just read the data?

timmchugh11 commented 7 months ago

This can only read the data, I have had a the three buttons (UP, DOWN and ON/OFF) wired to relays that controls the on/off actions and heater duty so I have not been in a rush to look into the control.

deanfourie1 commented 7 months ago

Have you had any luck with integrating control with this project?

timmchugh11 commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately not, I think its my lack of knowledge on how custom componants work in esphome, I use transistors connected to the controllers buttons to simulate the button presses as shown in the readme, this hasnt pushed me to look into getting control working as I can control the duty and turn the heater on and off aswell as read the data, I can then use automations in HA to control the heater.

I will have another look if I get time, but it isn't a priority for me at the moment.