timmcmic / DLConversionV2

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If a list has attributes that reference itself - the list is lost post migration #109

Closed timmcmic closed 1 year ago

timmcmic commented 1 year ago

If a distribution list atestGroupZ has accept messages from senders or members atestGroupZ (ie it references itself) the right is lost post migration even though the migration was successful.

timmcmic commented 1 year ago

Order of operations changed in a prior build to resetting all multi-valued attributes prior to deleting the DL. This was to speed up the time the DL was unavailable to the organization to satisfy large distribution list migrations. So the order was

Create DL Set DL multivalued attributes (this would be included here). Set DL single value attributes. Delete original DL Set things that collid with the original DL like proxy addresses.

The issue is that when we did the first set the group aTestGroupZ was actually present to it was set. Then it was deleted and subsequently lost.

Adding code that searches the unique array of addresses and external directory object IDs. If the original DL address is found then the script replaces the member with the stub dl that was created. When the DL rename operation occurs post deletion this will then show the correct group.

timmcmic commented 1 year ago
