timo-b-roettger / RN-Norway

Project management for RN
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Press release and advertising #22

Open agboch opened 2 years ago

agboch commented 2 years ago

Here is the document for press release draft and a list of potential outlets/newspapers and other points of contact where we can distribute information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c5-JC7SyjPeVmOyhIFUmoIVjPpxED6H3I3qfwggWeFc/edit?usp=sharing

I will be working on the draft later but feel free to sketch things already in the meantime if you'd like @troettge @dsquintana @sirileknes @julienmayor

timo-b-roettger commented 2 years ago

@agboch could you maybe move the doc into our shared folder NORRN on drive? Make it a little easier to find things!

dsquintana commented 2 years ago

@troettge can you please post a link to this folder? I can only find access to individual documents

timo-b-roettger commented 2 years ago

@dsquintana I have resent the invite. Did you get it?

agboch commented 2 years ago

Hi @dsquintana @sirileknes @troettge @julienmayor I have drafted a short note to the editors about NORRN launch, take a look in the document and feel free to rewrite as much as you want, we should keep it short and to the point and spark interest for sending in a longer piece or doing an interview about it.

agboch commented 2 years ago

Julien also sent a great example of a longer press release from German RN, we could also write something similar to send around to other places: https://reproducibilitynetwork.de/news/2021/launch/

agboch commented 2 years ago

As a part of advertising, we submitted and will publish a chronicle on NORRN in Forskerforum. The draft and updated versions are here.