At Clips4Sale scenes have different resolutions/qualities and listed as independent scene without any relation.
We could also adding all urls to the "different" scenes to our stash scene like #43 but this means a lot of manual assignments and therefore obviously not convenient.
Clearing the scene title would work here better than for scene parts (#43) but still not useful enough.
Clearing the url (removing "-1080p", "-mp4-optimum", ...) could work when we ignore the scene id because the urls are constructed like this: "/studio///"
It's also not that pleasing due to duplicate matches when the title isn't unique.
At Clips4Sale scenes have different resolutions/qualities and listed as independent scene without any relation.
We could also adding all urls to the "different" scenes to our stash scene like #43 but this means a lot of manual assignments and therefore obviously not convenient. Clearing the scene title would work here better than for scene parts (#43) but still not useful enough.
Clearing the url (removing "-1080p", "-mp4-optimum", ...) could work when we ignore the scene id because the urls are constructed like this: "/studio///"
It's also not that pleasing due to duplicate matches when the title isn't unique.