timofey260 / RWE-Plus

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Layer Color in Tileeditor #28

Closed LaVADraGoN closed 1 year ago

LaVADraGoN commented 1 year ago

When you are on the third level in the tile editor. And especially then when fill the 3th layer, it's just pure black, you can't see what's on the previous layers. The official editor uses green and red to differentiate between them. Short, the higher you go, the worse it gets. I use the classic ui right now. Is there a way to adjust the color and opacity in the files im not aware of?

I figured it out by reducing the Geometry editor main layer alpha to 128, at least i can see something now. but the color of the layer dosnt seem to do anything.

"layer1": [255, 0, 0] is red? "layer2": [0, 0, 255] is blue?

still grayscale for me.

timofey260 commented 1 year ago


what do you exactly mean by pure black? you can see other 2 layers always if nothing blocks them maybe i misunderstood you?

LaVADraGoN commented 1 year ago

Here a screenshot of the newscene. With the default configs. Anmerkung 2023-06-10 L1 Layer 1 looks normal, all layer thogether looks normal to me.

Anmerkung 2023-06-10 L3 If you on layer Layer 2 or 3 the layer under it are black, you can only see a bit brighter the special overlay tiles. It behaves exactly the same in the tileeditor.

i also have a warning when making a new file it spams: "libpng warning: ICCP: Known incorrect sRGB Profile" in the console

I hade made some adjustments for the config: With this settings. "primarylayeralpha": 160, "secondarylayeralpha": 64, i can see all layers together, but they look a bit off, hard to tell what layer is what. This is the result:

Anmerkung 2023-06-10 L3 Config change

Here the Typo in the Background is on Layer 1 ,but it looks brighter. The foreground is multi to black. With some distinction in the layers. Therefore is hard to tell intuitive without colors.

timofey260 commented 1 year ago

do you want for top layers be more brighter to see them?

LaVADraGoN commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if I can assain an color overlay to the differend layers if possible, or alternative just compare layer 1 with layer 3 ,or switch one layer off if needed. I would help with big detailed scenes where you dont fill every thing up and search for the holes between the layers.

Thats all, i wanted to know i have some difficulty to read the scenes sometimes with the default settings.

timofey260 commented 1 year ago


how about toggling layers visibility to compare them more easily?

LaVADraGoN commented 1 year ago

That would be awesome if this is where a permanent option to edit this way, a hint that a layer is hidded is also nice, so it can be switch on if needed again.

timofey260 commented 1 year ago


what about that?

LaVADraGoN commented 1 year ago

Thx for your awesome work, I appriciate it