timofey260 / RWE-Plus

Better version of official rain world editor
MIT License
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Issues with rendering Props/adding custom props #39

Closed InvaderBatflight closed 9 months ago

InvaderBatflight commented 9 months ago

The program will not open any levels after adding custom solid props. And drizzle still has issues with rendering certain props that are rotated. rendererror beforerender afterrender rweproblems

timofey260 commented 9 months ago

Try update community drizzle version

InvaderBatflight commented 9 months ago

Someone told me to do that, but it didn't seem to work.

Try update community drizzle version

timofey260 commented 9 months ago

You can send props to me and I'll fix them in new version. Not sure about drizzle

InvaderBatflight commented 9 months ago

Coffin Props.txt Coffin Props It's strange, because I can add soft props and they work just fine. But if I try to add any other type of prop it crashes.

timofey260 commented 9 months ago

oh i see maybe prop sz is wrong

timofey260 commented 9 months ago

let me try to fix it

timofey260 commented 9 months ago

[#nm:"Coffin Props", #tp:"variedStandard", #colorTreatment:"bevel", #bevel:3, #pxlSize:point(340,340), #repeatL:[4], #vars:4, #tags:[], #layerExceptions:[], #notes:[]] try using this line instead