timofey260 / RWE-Plus

Better version of official rain world editor
MIT License
27 stars 8 forks source link

ingnore #59

Closed Hikkikira closed 1 month ago

Hikkikira commented 1 month ago

Opened a pre-existing level that had been resized over it's time... light Opened a brand new leveland tried to open light editor: (I tried to enter it twice) lightnew

It is important to note that my level editor projects is through a symlink, it worked fine before the update but this may be what caused the issue or it might just not work.

Also the RWE+ says that it crashed even though it still is running?

Traceback (most recent call last): File "widgets.py", line 160, in blit TypeError: MN.LE() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "LevelProcess.py", line 122, in mainprocessupdate File "LevelProcess.py", line 554, in update File "MN.py", line 20, in blit File "menuclass.py", line 841, in blit File "menuclass.py", line 438, in blit File "widgets.py", line 162, in blit File "MN.py", line 36, in LE File "menuclass.py", line 80, in sendtoowner File "LevelProcess.py", line 340, in recievemessage File "LE.py", line 42, in init TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'WindowsPath' and 'str' This is why RWE+ crashed^^^ Sorry

I hope this is all the needed information

Hikkikira commented 1 month ago

wtf?!?!? issue cloned it's self?>

timofey260 commented 1 month ago

This bug should be caused by pull request I got

timofey260 commented 1 month ago

working on fix